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皇家拍卖。 iPhone 8 Plus



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  • WsipesRunol


    2024-12-22 18:31:32

  • WsipesRunol


    2024-12-22 18:31:32

  • Francoisvai


    2024-12-22 15:38:54








iPhone 8 Plus

Apple iPhone 8 Plus, 5.5 "Full HD, 64 GB, Gold
Immerse yourself in the large screen of 5.5 of the iPhone 8 Plus 64 GB in gold color.

Apple is determined to continue revolutionizing mobile technology with a Smartphone that mixes in a balanced way the power of innovative technology and the elegant and sober design of all its products.
Iphone 8 with studio photographs
Apple is still betting on 12 Mpx and a great opening of f / 1.8.

It incorporates a second telephoto lens with an aperture of f / 2.8.

With these features you will get more defined photographs and you can play better with the backgrounds.

In addition, the dual camera allows you to create light effects worthy of a photo studio.

It also includes a 4-LED True Tone Flash and slow synchronization for long-exposure flash portraits.

So you can have light both in front of the scene and in the background.

And for those who are more than selfies, the 7 Mpx FaceTime HD front camera incorporates Retina Flash which adjusts the light to give as much realism as possible.
Smartphone with the best 4K resolution
Record in 4K resolution and enjoy a pixel density 4 times higher than Full HD.

With 4K your videos will be much sharper and have more detail.

You can record videos at up to 60 f / s.

As if this were not enough, you can also record in slow motion in 1080p at 120 or 240 f / s.
Simple and elegant design
iPhone 8 is built with a very resistant glass that covers the front and back of the Smartphone.

The high quality aluminum edge wraps around this structure to end up forming a water and dust resistant phone.
Spectacular performance
It incorporates the A11 Bionic chip, a great step compared to the previous processor.

With a 25% faster CPU and a 30% faster GPU, you can optimally play 3D games and view augmented reality content.

And the best part is that all this power and speed is achieved without sacrificing the autonomy of the previous model.
Goodbye cable charger
Apple always tries to go one step ahead.

With the iPhone 8 have presented the wireless charging.

It is no longer necessary to go with the cable around the world to charge your smartphone in the first plug you see.

Thanks to wireless charging you can use the wireless charging stations and bases of hotels, coffee shops and airports.

You just have to place the mobile on top of the load and Voila!


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