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Aukce: Nespresso Lattissima Touch

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Kč13.00 Kč14.00


Uživatel WschenkHans vyhrává aukci.
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Uživatel WschenkHans vyhrává aukci.
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    Veřejná dražba

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    3 Daxdi mince

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Nejnovější vítězové

Nejsou k dispozici žádné další hotové aukce tohoto produktu za posledních 30 dní


Produkt bude odeslán nejpozději do 24 hodin, jakmile vyhrajete a zaplatíte za aukci.

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Koupit produkt

Tento produkt si můžete zakoupit kdykoli, pokud jste v této aukci zadali nabídky, bude hodnota nabídek odečtena z konečné ceny produktu.

Nespresso Lattissima Touch

Capsule coffee machine - Nespresso De Longhi EN560.W Lattissima Touch, 19 bar, Tank 0.9 L
From the union of the most exquisite coffee and an incomparable design, the Dehi Longhi Nespresso EN560.B Lattissima Touch capsule coffee maker is born.

It has been created so that every day you can try a different delicious coffee.

You just have to put the capsule in the slot and press a button, in a matter of seconds you will have the coffee you have chosen served and ready to drink.

In addition, with its elegant design it will give a different touch to your kitchen.

What are you waiting for?
Don't spend too much
Enjoy peacefully family reunion or with your friends without worrying about whether you left the coffee maker on.

It has an automatic shutdown system, so it will shut down in 9 minutes if you have stopped using it.

This way you save energy and you won't have to think about the next electricity bill.
Ready in 25 seconds
If you don't like to wait to enjoy the taste of a great coffee, the De Longhi Nespresso EN560.W Lattissima Touch capsule coffee maker will be ready in a few moments.

Its inner circuit allows you to heat the water in a few seconds so you can enjoy a coffee with a unique flavor in the fastest way.
Large capacity tanks
De Longhi has designed a coffee maker of large capacity and compact dimensions.

It has a water tank of 0.9 liters capacity and a tank to store up to 10 used capsules.

You can serve your guests' coffee without making them wait for having to fill the water tank or throw away the capsules.
Hello, milk lovers!
It has a milk dispenser so you can prepare cappuccinos, Latte Macchiato, foamy milk with a touch of coffee, etc.

The milk container can be stored in the fridge while you are not using the coffee maker.

Delicious and very easy drinks!


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