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Aukce: Nutribullet N9C

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Uživatel Sieringsabine vyhrává aukci.
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Uživatel Sieringsabine vyhrává aukci.
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Informace o aukci

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    Veřejná dražba

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    3 Daxdi mince

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Statistiky za posledních 15 dní

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    0 Uživatelé

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    0 Daxdi mince

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Nejnovější vítězové

Nejsou k dispozici žádné další hotové aukce tohoto produktu za posledních 30 dní


Produkt bude odeslán nejpozději do 24 hodin, jakmile vyhrajete a zaplatíte za aukci.

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Tento produkt si můžete zakoupit kdykoli, pokud jste v této aukci zadali nabídky, bude hodnota nabídek odečtena z konečné ceny produktu.

Nutribullet N9C

Glass mixer - Nutribullet N9C-0928, 1000 W, 20,000 rpm, 2 x 700 ml, Recipe book, Metal
Tired of typical industrial juices and milkshakes? From now on, you have everything in your favor to prepare your own natural drinks with the Nutribullet N9C-0928 metal blender.
One button and go
The variety of recipes you can prepare with the push of a button is striking.

And all in any of the two glasses that includes, both 700 ml.

Nutribullet is not a simple mixer, it is a nutrient extractor capable of crushing raw fruits and vegetables, with nuts and liquids.

All this thanks to the 3 Pulse (beat), Blend (mix) and Crush (crush) functions.

In this way, you can get a rich and healthy smoothie in less than a minute.
High performance
You can be sure that you prepare what you want to prepare, you will be satisfied with its operation.

Its 1000 W motor and its 5 variable speeds of up to 20,000 rpm beat the ingredients very quickly.

In addition, its high-quality stainless steel removable blade is designed for a unique cyclonic action.
Eat healthy!
And if that were not enough, everything that the Nutribullet blender offers you, the recipe book that it includes offers you up to 100 different ideas of juices and milkshakes, among others.

In addition, you will find several tips to help you maintain a healthy diet in the nutrition guide that also includes.


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