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Aukce: Oral B Genius PRO 8000

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Kč9.00 Kč10.00


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Uživatel Aesirnils vyhrává aukci.
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    3 Daxdi mince

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Produkt bude odeslán nejpozději do 24 hodin, jakmile vyhrajete a zaplatíte za aukci.

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Oral B Genius PRO 8000

Electric brush - Oral-B Genius 8200W, 6 brushing modes, LED, SmartRing, White
Look always perfect with the new Oral-B Genius 8200W toothbrush.

You will have at your disposal a large electric brush that offers you amazing results in a short time, and part of the blame is its 6 brushing modes, such as PRO Clean, Bleached, Gum Care and Sensitive.

You want to know more?
The desired cleaning
The Oral-B Genius 8200 rechargeable brush is the easiest way to keep a great smile.

If you want to enjoy great oral health, take advantage of the intuitive brushing system to brush all areas of the mouth while the head takes care of everything else thanks to position detection technology.

Remove the entire plate and bleach your smile from day one.
Gums under protection
The gums cannot be neglected for a moment.

That is why the brush incorporates SmartRing and patented pressure control technology, which reduces brushing speed and warns you to brush gently when you do it abruptly.

And check that you do it in the recommended time with the professional 2 minute timer.
100% coverage with position detection
The toothbrush that detects where you brush and guides you to cover all areas of the mouth, getting a complete cleaning.More than two weeks of brushing with a single chargeOral-B Genius 8200 has a lithium-ion battery that It lasts up to 12 days, and comes with a double-charge travel case to charge both the toothbrush and the phone with a single plug.
Customize your experience
Customize your brush with the 12-color SmartRing LED and six brush modes.


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