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Aukce: Sony PS4 - 500 GB

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Uživatel Maderahipolito vyhrává aukci.
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Informace o aukci

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    Veřejná dražba

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    3 Daxdi mince

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Statistiky za posledních 15 dní

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    0 Uživatelé

  • Průměrná výše nabídek provedených vítězi

    0 Daxdi mince

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    0 Krát

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Nejnovější vítězové

Nejsou k dispozici žádné další hotové aukce tohoto produktu za posledních 30 dní


Produkt bude odeslán nejpozději do 24 hodin, jakmile vyhrajete a zaplatíte za aukci.

Dražený produkt je k dispozici k výměně za jeho peněžní hodnotu

Další informace o dodávce nebo výměně produktů za jejich hotovostní hodnotu naleznete v nejčastějších dotazech nebo si otevřete lístek podpory

Koupit produkt

Tento produkt si můžete zakoupit kdykoli, pokud jste v této aukci zadali nabídky, bude hodnota nabídek odečtena z konečné ceny produktu.

Sony PS4 - 500 GB

Console - Sony PS4, 500 GB, Black
Much more than a console, the PlayStation 4 developed by Sony is an intelligent and versatile device through which you will discover a world of entertainment that will break all your expectations.

Enjoy Blu-Ray movies, TV series, music and content constantly updated with the news of PlayStation Network.
Power and high definition
Playing will no longer be a fiction experience.

Feel part of the game thanks to the impressive sharpness of the high-definition graphics incorporated by the PlayStation 4.

Its powerful ultra-fast processors and a high performance unified memory were designed for you to enjoy a wide range of games with absolute fluidity.
More silent
Blogs specialized in the gaming world highlight that this review of the console incorporates a much quieter and less energy efficient ventilation system.

In addition, our customers comment that the small bugs present in previous editions were corrected in this reissue.
500 GB capacity
This version of the PlayStation 4 incorporates a 500 GB hard drive, but it is also possible to change it for a larger one if you need more space to save your games.

Discover in MediaTrends how to change your PS4 hard drive safely.
Share button
From the DualShock 4 controller (included in the PlayStation 4 box) you can share all your games and achievements with the press of a button.

Publish videos, photos and broadcast your games live on your social networks.
Custom content
As a constantly evolving smart device, the PlayStation 4 learns your tastes and preferences day after day to offer you personalized content according to your interest.

Through the console you can consult information shared by your friends and receive recommendations of games and other entertainment content.


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