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Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm

Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm

Cena: Kč11,315.17

Cena pro členy Daxdi Clubu: Kč7,920.62

Akcií: Ano (168 jednotky)

*Speciální cena pro členy Daxdi klubu, pokud ještě nejste členem klubu, můžete se přidat. zde

Kupte si Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm za nejlepší cenu

Přihlaste se ke svému účtu Daxdi a zobrazte si možnosti nákupu.

Bezplatné doručení, vrácení a výměna všech objednávek.

Všechny nákupy zahrnují dokumentaci k výrobku (pokud je to vhodné) a dvouletou záruku výrobce.

Na všechny zásilky produktů v hodnotě vyšší než 999 EUR se vztahuje pojištění proti škodám způsobeným při přepravě.

Obdržíte Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm maximálně do 48 hodin (bez sobot, nedělí a svátků)..

Zásilka a dodávka

Pokud si produkt zakoupíte před 18:00, bude produkt odeslán ve stejný den. (Neděle nejsou zahrnuty).

Produkty jsou zasílány urgentními mezinárodními dopravci, maximálně za 72 hodin váš produkt dorazí do vašeho domu.

Virtuální produkty jsou okamžitě odesílány na vaši registrovanou e-mailovou adresu.

Popis produktu

Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm

Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm, Aluminum case and Black sports strap
You can enjoy a personal trainer who will always accompany you, with a built-in altimeter, you can control the heart rate, listen to the best music at your fingertips, merged with a powerful processor that will make your days more comfortable.
Power at your fingertips
The Apple Watch series 4 Space Gray has GPS location and barometric altimeter on the smart, you can perform your physical activities and sports, since it is equipped with features that make it weather and water resistant, additionally it will record your pulsations whether you are at rest or on the move
Special to train
All your daily activity will be controlled: if you are going for a walk, if you are in a meeting or if you are in the gym; The Apple Watch will take control.

Complete the activity rings and fulfill your daily challenge.

This wearable is so intelligent that he will be the first to congratulate you on your achievements, he will be the one who encourages you when you need the last push and will allow you to compete with your friends with a healthy rivalry.
Protect your health
With the Apple Watch Series 4 you have on your wrist one more way to take care of your health.

Find a number of applications to acquire healthy habits on a daily basis.

Use the Breathe App and relax both your body and your mind.

Also use the third-party App and hydrate when you need it, improve your sleep and ultimately you will live much healthier.

All this you will have registered in an App for all your fitness and health data.
Innovative design
The interaction adapts to your needs, you can put the information of the apps you prefer in the watch face and open and close them in a moment or change the dial simply by sliding your finger from side to side, with a bunch of types to choose from.

Do not miss a single event: Messages, phone, calendar, Wallet, reminders, news, mail, maps, etc., on the screen of your Apple Watch Series 4.

And, how could it be otherwise talk to Siri what that you fancy.

Koupit Apple Watch Series 4 GPS, 40 mm s kryptoměnami


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