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Auktion: 1Kg Royal Canadian Mint gold

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Aktuel pris

kr 100.00 kr 101.00

kr 100.00

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8 Sæde tilbage
kr 100.00
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Daxdi-mønter værdi

kr 390,857.52

kr 390,757.52


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    kr 100.00

  • Produktværdi

    kr 390,857.52

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    Privat auktion

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    9 Daxdi-mønter

  • Indledende pris

    kr 100.00

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  • Gennemsnitlig endelig pris

    kr 0.00

  • Gennemsnitlige besparelser for vinderne

    kr 390,857.52

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    kr 0.00

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1Kg Royal Canadian Mint gold

1Kg Royal Canadian Mint gold
Featuring .9999 pure gold content and individual serial numbers, the RCMs collection of gold bars in varying weights are a great choice to protect monetary wealth with precious metals.

Today, 1 Kilo RCM Gold Bars are available to you online from JM Bullion.
Bar Highlights:
Arrives in protective plastic and a box, with multiples of three typically shipped in larger, sealed boxes.
Feature product of the Royal Canadian Mint!
Contains 1 Kilo (32.15 Troy oz) of .9999 pure gold.
Obverse features identifying markers and RCM logo.
Reverse is left blank.
Eligible for Precious Metal IRAs.
Bar style may vary slightly, as there are multiple production cycles available.
The gold bar has long been a stable source of investment for those looking to protect their wealth from the ups and downs of global stock markets.

All gold bars deliver good value in this realm, but in particular, investors look for bars refined by major players in the precious metals industry.

The Royal Canadian Mint is one of a handful of sovereign mints that also produces bars, with other examples of major mints being the Perth Mint (state-owned).
Your 1 Kilo RCM Gold Bar is shipped to you sealed inside of plastic for protection of the bars condition.

That plastic packaging is often shipped inside of a cardboard box, with larger, sealed boxes available for purchases of multiple 1 Kilo bars.

Multiples typically start at three for the larger boxes.
On the obverse of these finely crafted 1 Kilo RCM Gold Bars youll find the only engravings used on the product.

Featured at the top with other markings in descending order, youll find the Royal Canadian Mints official logo.

With a stylized maple leaf in the center, the name of the mint is featured in a circle around the design with the English language Royal Canadian Mint above and the French language Monnaie Royale Canadienne featured below.
Scroll down the bar with your eyes and youll find the weight, metal content, and purity of the bar engraved as 1 Kilo Gold 999.9.

Below this is an individual serial number which the mint engraves onto every bar.

There are no markings on the reverse side of the 1 Kilo RCM Gold Bars in this listing.
The Royal Canadian Mint was founded in 1908 in the federal capital city of Ottawa.

For more than 60 years, this facility alone handled the production of Canadian currency.

In 1976, the Winnipeg location of the Royal Canadian Mint was finished and opened, allowing the RCM to split its work.

The Ottawa facility now handles all bullion and commemorative production, while all circulation Canadian currency and foreign currency is struck in Winnipeg.


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