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Auktion: Gold bullion 10 oz Credit Suisse

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kr 40.00 kr 41.00

kr 40.00

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7 Sæde tilbage
kr 40.00
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Daxdi-mønter værdi

kr 121,942.20

kr 121,902.20


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    kr 40.00

  • Produktværdi

    kr 121,942.20

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    7 Daxdi-mønter

  • Indledende pris

    kr 40.00

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    kr 0.00

  • Gennemsnitlige besparelser for vinderne

    kr 121,942.20

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    kr 0.00

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Gold bullion 10 oz Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse is one of the preeminent refineries in the world today.

The oldest operating facility in Switzerland, Credit Suisse has had a large profile in the precious metals industry for more than a century.

Today, it is the producer of one of the finest gold bullion products, including those which meet the standards of Good Delivery status.

Credit Suisse gold bars are just some of the company’s great products.

Right now, JM Bullion has the 10 oz Credit Suisse Gold Bar available for purchase.
Coin Highlights:
Individual bars ship in resealable plastic bags with the assay.
Individual serial numbers included.
Contains 10 oz of .9999 pure gold.
Features an assayers mark on the obverse.
Reverse features the Credit Suisse logo.
Available in brand-new condition.
Credit Suisse Group is a multinational financial services company located in the financial capital of Zurich, Switzerland.

The company was originally founded in 1856 to help fund the development of a rail system in Switzerland.

Over the course of its early history, Credit Suisse played a vital role in issuing loans that established Switzerlands electrical grid, the wider European rail system, and helped the country develop its currency system.
Today, Credit Suisse enjoys stature as one of the strongest producers of gold bullion bars.

The 10 oz and 1 oz weight gold bars are unquestionably the most popular weights available in gold bars.

Both options offer affordable pricing compared to Good Delivery bars, and the lighter weights make them easier to move and store.
On the obverse face of the bar is the rectangular Credit Suisse logo.

Below the logo youll find engravings of the weight, metal content, and purity of the bar.

An assayers mark and the individual serial number of the bar are listed at the bottom of the bar.
The reverse face of the 10 oz Credit Suisse Gold Bar features a repeating image of the Credit Suisse logo, set on a 45-degree angle on the back.

These bars feature sharp lines and edges around the outer rim of the bar, with refined appearances.
Credit Suisse was founded more than 150 years ago, and has undergone many changes over time.

Once the majority owners of Valcambi Suisse, Credit Suisse recently sold its interest in the competitor.


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