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Auktion: HP Tango

Resterende pladser


Aktuel pris

kr 15.00 kr 16.00

kr 15.00

6 Sæde tilbage
Seneste bud
6 Sæde tilbage
kr 15.00
No Bids
No Bids



Daxdi-mønter værdi

kr 1,164.73

kr 1,149.73


6 Sæde tilbage
Deltagere med plads i denne auktion


  • Aktuel pris

    kr 15.00

  • Produktværdi

    kr 1,164.73

  • Auktions-id


  • Auktionstype

    Privat auktion

  • Budværdi

    3 Daxdi-mønter

  • Indledende pris

    kr 15.00

Statistik over de seneste 15 dage

  • Gennemsnitligt antal deltagere

    0 Brugere

  • Gennemsnitligt antal bud udført af vinderne

    0 Daxdi-mønter

  • Gennemsnitlige offentliggjorte tidspunkter i en uge

    0 Gange

  • Gennemsnitlig endelig pris

    kr 0.00

  • Gennemsnitlige besparelser for vinderne

    kr 1,164.73

  • Vindernes gennemsnitlige udgifter

    kr 0.00

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HP Tango

Digital printer - HP Tango (Print, copy and scan with your mobile, Instant Ink Ready)
Designed to fit your lifestyle and use it with the HP Smart app, Tango allows you to go one step ahead, as you can connect and print with any device and from anywhere.

Printer with dynamic security enabled.

Designed to be used exclusively with cartridges using the original HP electronic circuit.

Cartridges with modified or non-HP electronic circuits may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future.
Smart and simple
Connect and start printing quickly with an impeccable Wi-Fi® configuration from your smartphone.

Print easily from a wide variety of smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Trust your connection thanks to the constant performance of dual-band Wi-Fi®.

More connected than ever.
Print from your smartphone
Scan documents with high quality and share them by email or upload them to the cloud from virtually anywhere.

Make a copy from your smartphone with the HP Smart app and send it to your printer from virtually anywhere.

Receive notifications when printing, scanning or copying from your smartphone.
Save time and ink with HP Instant Ink !!!
The HP Tango printer is compatible with the Instant Ink service.

This innovative home ink replacement service will automatically place the order without worrying about whether or not you run out of ink.


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