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Auktion: Krups Pisa

Resterende tid


Aktuel pris

kr 11.00 kr 12.00

kr 11.68

Brugeren Rayaguiller vinder auktionen.
Seneste bud
kr 11.68
kr 11.69
kr 11.70



Daxdi-mønter værdi

kr 3,040.99

kr 3,029.31


Brugeren Rayaguiller vinder auktionen.


  • Aktuel pris

    kr 11.68

  • Produktværdi

    kr 3,040.99

  • Auktions-id


  • Auktionstype

    Offentlig auktion

  • Budværdi

    3 Daxdi-mønter

  • Indledende pris

    kr 20.00

Statistik over de seneste 15 dage

  • Gennemsnitligt antal deltagere

    723 Brugere

  • Gennemsnitligt antal bud udført af vinderne

    129 Daxdi-mønter

  • Gennemsnitlige offentliggjorte tidspunkter i en uge

    0.07 Gange

  • Gennemsnitlig endelig pris

    kr 12.94

  • Gennemsnitlige besparelser for vinderne

    kr 3,040.92

  • Vindernes gennemsnitlige udgifter

    kr 10.32

Seneste vindere

  • Jonathonber


    2024-12-23 02:25:54

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Krups Pisa

Super-automatic coffee machine - Krups Pisa EA81P070, LCD, 260 g, 1.7l, Black
Live the essence of espresso directly in your cup.

Enjoy the essence of espresso, from the grain to the cup, with the Krups Essential espresso machine.

This super-automatic espresso machine offers the advantages of a compact coffee maker but at the same time with a large capacity.

Combining easy-to-use features with the true taste of coffee, for exceptional quality results.
LCD screen
Handling this super automatic coffee machine could not be easier.

Its intuitive LCD screen is very easy to use and gives you full control over the result.
Compact design
Prepare your coffees with all the comfort that a Krups coffee maker can give you.

You have a capacity of 260 grams for coffee and 1.7 liters of water and a control system very easy to use so you can make your coffee without problems.
Customize your coffee
Grinding control allows you to obtain the perfect consistency for the beverage you want, from a full-bodied espresso to a long coffee, with absolute temperature control that offers great results.


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