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Auktion: Philips 75" Ambilight

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Aktuel pris

kr 20.00 kr 21.00

kr 20.00

7 Sæde tilbage
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7 Sæde tilbage
kr 20.00
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No Bids



Daxdi-mønter værdi

kr 13,281.56

kr 13,261.56


7 Sæde tilbage
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  • Aktuel pris

    kr 20.00

  • Produktværdi

    kr 13,281.56

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  • Auktionstype

    Privat auktion

  • Budværdi

    4 Daxdi-mønter

  • Indledende pris

    kr 20.00

Statistik over de seneste 15 dage

  • Gennemsnitligt antal deltagere

    0 Brugere

  • Gennemsnitligt antal bud udført af vinderne

    0 Daxdi-mønter

  • Gennemsnitlige offentliggjorte tidspunkter i en uge

    0 Gange

  • Gennemsnitlig endelig pris

    kr 0.00

  • Gennemsnitlige besparelser for vinderne

    kr 13,281.56

  • Vindernes gennemsnitlige udgifter

    kr 0.00

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Philips 75" Ambilight

LED TV 75 "- Philips 75PUS7354, UHD 4K, HDR 10+, Ambilight 3 sides, Android TV Google Assistant, P5
With the Philips 75PUS7354 75 LED TV you will enter a world of emotions beyond the screen.

Enjoy crisp images as if you were at the cinema.

With its 4K LED screen you can not complain about the brightness of the images.
Dolby vision and Dolby Atmos
You will have a sound and a cinematic image compatible with HDR 10+ so you can experience the same feeling that the director wanted to convey when creating the movie.

In addition, it has Ambilight technology to create a cinema atmosphere in your own home.

You can hear a clear, detailed and deep sound.

You will see the image as it was intended by the director.
Ambient light
With Ambilight technology on three sides you will change the way you watch television.

It is capable of emitting light from the sides on the back wall to create a perfect atmosphere for your favorite content.

You will feel that you are closer to the action.
Connected to entertainment
The Android TV connectivity of the Philips 75PUS7354 75 LED TV allows you to access extensive entertainment options easily and conveniently.

You can access the Google Play Store and the Philips app gallery.

In addition, you can control the TV by voice with AI.

It has an integrated Google assistant.

You will have it all


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