Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

Silkn Glide Xpress

Køb din Silkn Glide Xpress med Bitcoin, Ethereum Eller Litecoin

Pris: kr 1,868.36

Pris for medlemmer af Daxdi Club: kr 1,307.85

Lager: Ja (215 enheder)

Køb en Silkn Glide Xpress med Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00253047 BTC

Køb en Silkn Glide Xpress med Ethereum Ethereum: 0.07244 ETH

Køb en Silkn Glide Xpress med litecoin Litecoin: 42.178 LTC

*Specialpris for Daxdi-klubmedlemmer, hvis du endnu ikke er medlem af klubben, kan du blive medlem her

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Alle køb omfatter produktdokumentation (hvis relevant) og 2 års producentgaranti.

Alle forsendelser af produkter med en værdi på mere end 999 € er dækket af en transportskadeforsikring.

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Hvis du køber produktet inden kl. (søndage ikke inkluderet).

Produkterne sendes af hastende internationale fragtører, i højst 72 timer dit produkt vil ankomme til dit hus.

De virtuelle produkter sendes med det samme til din registrerede e-mail-adresse.


Silkn Glide Xpress

Laser epilator - Silkn Glide Xpress 300,000, 5 Energy levels, Body and face, White and lilac
Now you can enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal without paying expensive treatments.

The Silkn Glide Xpress 300,000 laser epilator will provide you with a permanent hair removal with the utmost care for your skin.

You just have to pass the machine slowly through the area to be shaved and you will see the results.

A perfect solution to look unbeatable.

It contains 300,000 light pulses.
Body and face
You can use it on legs, arms, armpits, make the bikini line and facial hair with total comfort.

It only has an on and off button that you can also use to change the energy level to one of the 5 levels it has.
Up to 92% hair reduction
According to various clinical studies, the use of the Silkn Glide Xpress 300,000 laser epilator results in a reduction of up to 92% of unwanted hair after completing all the sessions and the steps indicated in the instructions.

The responsible for achieving this result is HPL technology.

This patented and clinically proven technology is famous for its effectiveness against unwanted hair.

The device emits luminous pulses that penetrate the hair follicles and cause the hair to fall.

With only 3-4 sessions, you will notice up to 50% less hair and at the end of the last you will have managed to reduce it by up to 92%.
Good results and control
Do not miss the opportunity to have a smooth and cared for skin with total comfort.

Also do not lose the account of your sessions with the free app Silkn.


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