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Royale auction: 10000 USDT

The auction will automatically close when latest bid has been placed.

Royale auction

Only remains bids to finish the auction.

26º : mileavioleta xx.xx kr
27º : Milenazizek xx.xx kr
28º : evabutte xx.xx kr
29º : elly03 xx.xx kr
30º : Florinrorri xx.xx kr
31º : Kiarraeffertz xx.xx kr
32º : Eno95uuu xx.xx kr
33º : Afonso22Oli xx.xx kr
34º : VeerlepostE xx.xx kr
35º : DwautersSer xx.xx kr
36º : Madilyn02 xx.xx kr
37º : Fogedhassan xx.xx kr
38º : Vanlucelsander xx.xx kr
39º : Lalobelokon xx.xx kr
40º : Vicenteflav xx.xx kr
41º : Vdmitrenkoo xx.xx kr
42º : Mayermarian xx.xx kr
43º : HchettyJaco xx.xx kr
44º : Jeniferbahr xx.xx kr
45º : Pearlie55Ja xx.xx kr
46º : mpavlikovsky xx.xx kr
47º : Doloreskensy xx.xx kr
48º : Quyen06Mu xx.xx kr
49º : Vanvlietdean xx.xx kr
50º : josip80 xx.xx kr
51º : hukkaladani xx.xx kr
52º : roy_ervin xx.xx kr
53º : bruneaujean xx.xx kr
54º : Munch-Skriver xx.xx kr
55º : Suijkerkoen xx.xx kr
56º : Handalfonso xx.xx kr
57º : agathe14 xx.xx kr
58º : Vottsfridth xx.xx kr
59º : UoreillyBoy xx.xx kr
60º : Rudolf83Bac xx.xx kr
61º : nankundawilson xx.xx kr
62º : Malwina77St xx.xx kr
63º : Grigorijtro xx.xx kr
64º : Keishaperti xx.xx kr
65º : Robelhelene xx.xx kr
66º : nikolauslaurie xx.xx kr
67º : marc13 xx.xx kr
68º : Deanrichard xx.xx kr
69º : Russotancre xx.xx kr
70º : Cliffordoco xx.xx kr
71º : Seppelinesa xx.xx kr
72º : BinsaubreyP xx.xx kr
73º : Gerard33Pel xx.xx kr
74º : scheerlara xx.xx kr
75º : zed_jakob xx.xx kr
76º : gertie10 xx.xx kr
77º : lolacanales xx.xx kr
78º : Jorisrecer xx.xx kr
79º : hanan67 xx.xx kr
80º : pagesjuliette xx.xx kr
81º : mushabeamy xx.xx kr
82º : Tothtibor xx.xx kr
83º : Fonsecahort xx.xx kr
84º : Benoitsuzan xx.xx kr
85º : Norregaardh xx.xx kr
86º : Klarepohl xx.xx kr
87º : hsimanek xx.xx kr
88º : AxelgoffinB xx.xx kr
89º : Oravainenarttu xx.xx kr
90º : Fidelromer xx.xx kr
91º : Nick48Fox xx.xx kr
92º : jacquesproulx xx.xx kr
93º : Milojakomlenic xx.xx kr
94º : Quyen06Mu xx.xx kr
95º : fionamoller xx.xx kr
96º : varelamaria xx.xx kr
97º : BoucherGiroux xx.xx kr
98º : Pierrejunk xx.xx kr
99º : Ulvar25 xx.xx kr
100º : andrea18 xx.xx kr
101º : Isaiasbruen xx.xx kr
102º : Sandro27And xx.xx kr
103º : Lillemor37J xx.xx kr
104º : Chijohansson xx.xx kr
105º : Thach33Te xx.xx kr
106º : truc92 xx.xx kr
107º : FtorgersenL xx.xx kr
108º : Joshuareima xx.xx kr
109º : Mahdiprakasa xx.xx kr
110º : paulinekoss xx.xx kr
111º : Bryanareichert xx.xx kr
112º : Houleetienn xx.xx kr
113º : josesauer xx.xx kr
114º : Fernandocarter xx.xx kr
115º : Andrea81Voj xx.xx kr
116º : BmikusPetru xx.xx kr
117º : radiobianco xx.xx kr
118º : pietro05 xx.xx kr
119º : BpesolaPaha xx.xx kr
120º : beltraorenata xx.xx kr
121º : GalvetaStan xx.xx kr
122º : Hejduknadezda xx.xx kr
123º : Johanna35Bl xx.xx kr
124º : kamidinrajata xx.xx kr
125º : lalkokolev xx.xx kr
126º : Kiarraeffertz xx.xx kr
127º : derekbatz xx.xx kr
128º : kamilia25 xx.xx kr
129º : fannybecker xx.xx kr
130º : bkosoric xx.xx kr
131º : Kariannesauer xx.xx kr
132º : Lucasperalt xx.xx kr
133º : MrobertsBos xx.xx kr
134º : Friesenregan xx.xx kr
135º : Lino95Cirin xx.xx kr
136º : petekaljosa xx.xx kr
137º : Marcuvasili xx.xx kr
138º : kiraschwital xx.xx kr
139º : dawidkrajewski xx.xx kr
140º : Christinrose xx.xx kr
141º : Torodd83 xx.xx kr
142º : graysonmurray xx.xx kr
143º : Afonso22Oli xx.xx kr
144º : XsusicPlani xx.xx kr
145º : kelvin14 xx.xx kr
146º : NcrooksUrsu xx.xx kr
147º : Sigurthor98 xx.xx kr
148º : gregorseggert xx.xx kr
149º : gosselinlucas xx.xx kr
150º : Remo04Holly xx.xx kr
151º : Arthurperre xx.xx kr
152º : Gaylordluisa xx.xx kr
153º : Jansensolbjorg xx.xx kr
154º : Lisagiordan xx.xx kr
155º : Ilie52 xx.xx kr
156º : Bennyjahn xx.xx kr
157º : Conni11Thø xx.xx kr
158º : GpintilieFr xx.xx kr
159º : Esbensengrethe xx.xx kr
160º : Da-Silva xx.xx kr
161º : guillemzuniga xx.xx kr
162º : resendezjosefa xx.xx kr
163º : condrisova xx.xx kr
164º : Blumelsigmar xx.xx kr
165º : brakusmyra xx.xx kr
166º : franssontore xx.xx kr
167º : EbeltraoAll xx.xx kr
168º : Tiadeckow xx.xx kr
169º : cathrine96 xx.xx kr
170º : Barbaraschmidt xx.xx kr
171º : Dragoslava47 xx.xx kr
172º : domenico73 xx.xx kr
173º : josiereichert xx.xx kr
174º : ahomaatuomas xx.xx kr
175º : Brndušiu xx.xx kr
176º : Ivetadubska xx.xx kr
177º : Tynong xx.xx kr
178º : Susanschaefer xx.xx kr
179º : Mancameglic xx.xx kr
180º : ConnieDixon xx.xx kr
181º : vojkotomsic xx.xx kr
182º : marley83 xx.xx kr
183º : noblethompson xx.xx kr
184º : Drubinlilith xx.xx kr
185º : BrøndumRavn xx.xx kr
186º : champlinvinnie xx.xx kr
187º : ZwindlerZem xx.xx kr
188º : begga94 xx.xx kr
189º : emelia13 xx.xx kr
190º : WdiepBuu xx.xx kr
191º : jazmyneraynor xx.xx kr
192º : Buttesongul xx.xx kr
193º : ferryleslie xx.xx kr
194º : tamayonicole xx.xx kr
195º : Umran25Yul xx.xx kr
196º : Curtboucsei xx.xx kr
197º : Camilletextor xx.xx kr
198º : Tanner99Kun xx.xx kr
199º : berglunddiana xx.xx kr
200º : PiaholkeriY xx.xx kr
201º : nadin72 xx.xx kr
202º : andradaneamtu xx.xx kr
203º : Gickastanisev xx.xx kr
204º : claeysines xx.xx kr
205º : Christinrose xx.xx kr
206º : Solomonsusan xx.xx kr
207º : brionnasmith xx.xx kr
208º : heavykoala504 xx.xx kr
209º : VdascaluDim xx.xx kr
210º : todorin11 xx.xx kr
211º : Gawati59San xx.xx kr
212º : lodveholmen xx.xx kr
213º : Sisselmikal xx.xx kr
214º : PmotaKevin xx.xx kr
215º : denisababka xx.xx kr
216º : Eileentrub xx.xx kr
217º : Adriana07Ga xx.xx kr
218º : lavoiepaule xx.xx kr
219º : bkosoric xx.xx kr
220º : Danielleppa xx.xx kr
221º : Lathropelar xx.xx kr
222º : Lajsiczlati xx.xx kr
223º : Muellerhelen xx.xx kr
224º : ahmedpacocha xx.xx kr
225º : kjenicek xx.xx kr
226º : Mullerbirth xx.xx kr
227º : Sedilloluis xx.xx kr
228º : annel54 xx.xx kr
229º : TranongChun xx.xx kr
230º : griffithsruth xx.xx kr
231º : castanoclara xx.xx kr
232º : Giang52Viê xx.xx kr
233º : Widogast xx.xx kr
234º : Martydonnelly xx.xx kr
235º : Sisselmikal xx.xx kr
236º : Margaux76Le xx.xx kr
237º : atukwasetimmy xx.xx kr
238º : Darien40Roh xx.xx kr
239º : VpruschkeJi xx.xx kr
240º : Benonishjorny xx.xx kr
241º : fayruthe xx.xx kr
242º : Jimiluukkon xx.xx kr
243º : deon04 xx.xx kr
244º : Melaniewahner xx.xx kr
245º : laketasutuljic xx.xx kr
246º : MilaursicBi xx.xx kr
247º : blandalucio xx.xx kr
248º : josip80 xx.xx kr
249º : Noelsmagnfr xx.xx kr
250º : VahebweHele xx.xx kr
251º : NnabimanyaR xx.xx kr
252º : Vavrinec84V xx.xx kr
253º : CezarmiuTom xx.xx kr
254º : SzupanMavri xx.xx kr
255º : kuntserhan xx.xx kr
256º : Huntfrances xx.xx kr
257º : Caleb35Muhw xx.xx kr
258º : melaniemaia xx.xx kr
259º : PszewczykJu xx.xx kr
260º : resendezjosefa xx.xx kr
261º : Shanahanjustus xx.xx kr
262º : ari_caden xx.xx kr
263º : matildedangelo xx.xx kr
264º : Pedro09Fern xx.xx kr
265º : patrickparker xx.xx kr
266º : Noe89Lambre xx.xx kr
267º : simaorosa xx.xx kr
268º : Zikicasulejic xx.xx kr
269º : Adlerleonhard xx.xx kr
270º : Kjoisjokla xx.xx kr
271º : Monica77Rik xx.xx kr
272º : Conroyoctavia xx.xx kr
273º : kowalskaernest xx.xx kr
274º : Lilliankirlin xx.xx kr
275º : Emmanuellakin xx.xx kr
276º : Thorkristensen xx.xx kr
277º : liukkonenclara xx.xx kr
278º : Estevankautzer xx.xx kr
279º : terkelsenbetty xx.xx kr
280º : OwiegandZem xx.xx kr
281º : Van05Thip xx.xx kr
282º : sralic xx.xx kr
283º : jeannine81 xx.xx kr
284º : QkonecnyJur xx.xx kr
285º : Lathropelar xx.xx kr
286º : Iljanaadler xx.xx kr
287º : conroymossie xx.xx kr
288º : Handmatilde xx.xx kr
289º : Nick48Fox xx.xx kr
290º : alissa90 xx.xx kr
291º : Erica51Muka xx.xx kr
292º : Waluyowacana xx.xx kr
293º : wardbrooks xx.xx kr
294º : steliana68 xx.xx kr
295º : trevorwavamuno xx.xx kr
296º : WsolanoDomi xx.xx kr
297º : PiaholkeriY xx.xx kr
298º : frankchamplin xx.xx kr
299º : Joel32Pamel xx.xx kr
300º : Nooralassinen xx.xx kr

The ranking of users and their unique bids, ordered from highest to lowest, in the list appear the first 300 unique bids.

Auction information

The higher unique bid is the bid closest to kr 50.00 that is not repeated, it means only you have placed a bid for that amount and no other user has placed the same bid.

1511 users already placed bids on this auction

The value of the winning bid will be the sale value of the item, the user who wins the auction will take the item paying only the amount of the winning bid.

Each user can place a maximum of 10 bids in the Royale auctions.

The user yalanis is winning the auction with the highest unique bid.
Place your bid between kr 50.00 and kr 0.01
Auction data

Maximum price:


Bids to be placed:

kr 50.00


Auction info

Product value

Bids placed

Your placed bids

kr 77,606.38


The user yalanis is winning the auction with the highest unique bid.
Place your bid between kr 50.00 and kr 0.01

Auction information

  • Bids needed to finish


  • Product value

    kr 77,606.38

  • Auction ID


  • Auction type

    Royale auction

  • Bid value

    21 Daxdi coins

  • Minimum price

    kr 0.01

  • Maximum price

    kr 50.00

Statistics of the last 15 days

  • Average number of participants

    0 users

  • Average amount of bids done by the winners

    0 bids

  • Average published times in a week

    0 times

  • Average final price

    kr 0.00

  • Average savings of the winners

    kr 77,606.38

  • Average spending by winners

    kr 0.00

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There are not more finished auctions of this product on the last 30 days


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You can buy this product in any moment, if you has placed bids in this auction the bids value will be deducted from the product final price.

10000 USDT

What Is Tether (USDT)? USDT is a stablecoin (stable-value cryptocurrency) that mirrors the price of the U.S.

dollar, issued by a Hong Kong-based company Tether.

The token’s peg to the USD is achieved via maintaining a sum of commercial paper, fiduciary deposits, cash, reserve repo notes, and treasury bills in reserves that is equal in USD value to the number of USDT in circulation.

Originally launched in July 2014 as Realcoin, a second-layer cryptocurrency token built on top of Bitcoin’s blockchain through the use of the Omni platform, it was later renamed to USTether, and then, finally, to USDT.

In addition to Bitcoin’s, USDT was later updated to work on the Ethereum, EOS, Tron, Algorand, and OMG blockchains.

The stated purpose of USDT is to combine the unrestricted nature of cryptocurrencies — which can be sent between users without a trusted third-party intermediary — with the stable value of the US dollar.

Stablecoins are increasingly used as an inflation hedge in recent times; compared to keeping fiat currency in a savings account averaging 0.06%, users can lend their stablecoins and earn yields ranging from 3% to as high as 20%.

However, keep in mind that regulatory, platform risks and more entail.

USDT’s unique feature is the fact that its value is guaranteed by Tether to remain pegged to the U.S.


According to Tether, whenever it issues new USDT tokens, it allocates the same amount of USD to its reserves, thus ensuring that USDT is fully backed by cash and cash equivalents.

The famously high volatility of the crypto markets means that cryptocurrencies can rise or fall by 10-20% within a single day, making them unreliable as a store of value.

USDT, on the other hand, is protected from these fluctuations.

This property makes USDT a safe haven for crypto investors: during periods of high volatility, they can park their portfolios in Tether without having to completely cash out into USD.

In addition, USDT provides a simple way to transact a U.S.

dollar equivalent between regions, countries and even continents via blockchain — without having to rely on a slow and expensive intermediary, like a bank or a financial services provider.

However, over the years, there have been a number of controversies regarding the validity of Tether’s claims about their USD reserves, at times disrupting USDT’s price, which went down as low as $0.88 at one point in its history.

Many have raised concerns about the fact that Tether’s reserves have never been fully audited by an independent third party.

What Is the Tether FUD About? Tether has been the target of a lot of FUD due to its murky balance sheet and lack of a public audit.

The company has repeatedly been fined for misleading statements around the state of its books.

After Tether released a first breakdown of its balances, it came under even more scrutiny from regulators over its claims that all issued stablecoins are fully backed by dollar reserves.


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