ET: An Amazon spokesperson confirms that "the facility has reopened after additional deep cleaning and sanitation."
The move, however, is not sitting well with an organization known as the Amazonians United New York City.
Described on Twitter as "NYC Amazon Logistics workers seeking improvements in our workplace," they this afternoon that the "facility is compromising our health and the health of the whole city.
Please help us call on Amazon to close the facility with pay for two weeks to ensure our safety."
Amazon declined to comment on the group's request.
Original Story:
Amazon may be facing a massive surge in demand, but it isn't immune to the impact of coronavirus.
Overnight, a warehouse employee in New York tested positive for the virus, so Amazon will close the facility.
As Recode reports, the employee in question worked out of Amazon's Queens delivery station, which is roughly 80,000 square feet in size and employs up to 200 workers.
The station is run to sort packages and load them on to trucks for delivery.
An Amazon spokesperson confirms that the employee is in quarantine and being supported by the company.
The closure of the Queens facility is temporary and specifically to carry out "additional sanitation." Amazon also confirmed any employees who currently can't come to work at the delivery station are receiving full pay, but being told to stay home.
For now, the Queens facility remains closed with no clarification on when it will open again.
It's also not known how the worker got infected and if Amazon can track who they interacted with at the delivery station recently.
We found out yesterday that COVID-19 can survive with enough "viable virus" on plastic for up to 72 hours and on cardboard for up to 24 hours.
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Amazon has already asked as many of its employees as possible to work from home and paused the intake of non-essential goods to prioritize the shipment of household items.
Customers have also been warned to expect delays of a few days on delivering orders, but that was before coronavirus reached its facilities.
Amazon is attempting to calm any fears its customers may have, with a spokesperson explaining, "Since the early days of this situation, we have worked closely with local authorities to proactively respond, ensuring we continue to serve customers while taking care of our associates, and we’re following all guidelines from local officials about the operations of our buildings ...
We have implemented proactive measures to protect employees including increased cleaning at all facilities, maintaining social distance, and adding distance between drivers and customers when making deliveries."