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Valitse maanosasi, jos haluat näyttää maasi ja kielesi.
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Nykyinen Daxdi palvelimet aika 10-01-2025 03:26:42 (CEST)
Sinulla on tällä hetkellä lottokrediiteet tililläsi
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Valitse maanosasi vaihtaaksesi maatasi ja kieltäsi.
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Arpajaisten edistyminen: 100%
1º Voittaja : Sasha88Bell(21)
2º Voittaja : Jazlynward(99)
3º Voittaja : damjana97(112)
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* Ensimmäisen palkinnon voi vaihtaa sen arvoon käteisenä välittömästi.
Tuote toimitetaan enintään 24 tunnin kuluessa, kun olet voittanut ja maksanut huutokaupan.
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Voit ostaa tämän tuotteen milloin tahansa, jos olet tehnyt tarjouksia tässä huutokaupassa, tarjousten arvo vähennetään tuotteen lopullisesta hinnasta.
H-ALPHA LUNT LS100THA B3400 LUNT H-Alpha Telescope 102mm diameter, B3400 block filter, Crayford Feather-Touch Focuser and Pressure Tuner system.
Complete Solar H-alpha Telescope with 102mm diameter and a What is delivered with the equipment? H-alpha telescope with internal Etalon filter and 102mm diameter Pressure Tuner System Block filter B3400 in extension tube Crayford 2" Starlight Instruments Feather Touch Dovetail fastening rings Solar search engine Sol-Searcher Transport case The LS100THa is a complete 102mm diameter (unobstructed!) Solar H-alpha telescope with a focal length of 714mm.
An internal Etalon filter with fine adjustment of the inclination by means of air pressure controlled by the Pressure Tuner system allows to maintain during the whole observation a wide The "Pressure Tuner" system allows a better adjustment of the Etalon filter than other more rudimentary systems.
The "Pressure Tuner" system allows the Etalon filter to be adapted to different altitudes and different atmospheric pressures, to always offer the optical performance.
The B3400 blocking filter is ideal for photography with large format CCDs.
The extension tube in which the blocking filter is located is equipped for 2" eyepieces and includes an adapter for 1.25" eyepieces.
Focusing is achieved very precisely thanks to the quality of the dual speed Crayford focuser (and with a 10:1 reduction between macro and micro) 2" Starlight Instruments Feather Touch.
This focuser is supplied as standard with the equipment.
In addition, this instrument can be purchased with the optional Double Stack Etalon LS100FHa (mounted externally on the front and measuring 100mm) or with the new internal DSII Double Stack System
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