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Nykyinen Daxdi palvelimet aika 07-01-2025 01:08:32 (CEST)
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TRINOCULAR DIGITAL MICROSCOPE LEVENHUK MED D30T LCD The Levenhuk MED D30T LCD microscope is a trinocular microscope with a digital camera with a built-in display.
You do not need to connect the microscope to a computer to set up video parameters, transmit sample images to an external device or process photographs and record videos.
You can do all this directly through the camera display.
In addition, the microscope uses semi-flat, infinity-corrected achromatic optics and allows you to set up Köhler lighting.
The Levenhuk MED D30T LCD microscope is a microscope for professional observations.
The Levenhuk MED D30T LCD microscope is a trinocular microscope with a digital camera with a built-in display.
You do not need to connect the microscope to a computer to set up video parameters, transmit sample images to an external device or process photographs and record videos.
You can do all this directly through the camera display.
In addition, the microscope uses semi-flat, infinity-corrected achromatic optics and allows you to set up Köhler lighting.
The Levenhuk MED D30T LCD microscope is a microscope for professional observations.
The Levenhuk MED 30 series microscopes are equipped with an infinity-corrected optical system that is typical of high-quality professional microscopes.
This system includes infinity-corrected semi-flat lenses and enables clear, high-contrast images with a high level of flatness.
One of the most important features of an infinity-corrected optical system is that it allows additional components to be installed in the optical path between the objective lens and the eyepiece tube.
These additional components include polarisers, epi-fluorescence light and DIC prisms which have minimal focus deviations and correct aberrations.
In summary, their modular design and ease of use make Levenhuk MED 30 microscopes ideal optical instruments for use in various types of microscopy and work in haematology, histology and microbiology laboratories, among others.
A trinocular head consists of a visual part and a tube for installing a digital camera.
This allows observations to be made through the eyepieces and images to be recorded at the same time.
The head can be rotated 360° around its axis, which will be useful for those users who often perform group investigations.
The visual part has a 30° tilt angle.
The eyepieces and objectives are made of optical glass and are protected with an anti-fungal coating.
The semi-flat achromatic optics flatten the field of view, improve colour reproduction and reduce chromatic aberrations.
The eyepieces provide good vision and 10x magnification.
There are five objective lenses.
The more powerful lenses have protective retractable housings.
The 100x lens allows observation by oil immersion.
Sharpness adjustment is made by turning the coarse adjustment and fine focus controls.
The digital camera does not require any additional software to be installed.
You can operate any camera option from an LCD screen and observe the progress of microscopic research.
You can connect the camera to an external display.
It is compatible with various additional accessories (headphones, memory cards and others).
The 5 MP sensor takes high quality images with high resolution and records smooth videos with high frame rates.
Underneath the optics there is a stage with a mechanical micrometer.
Under the stage there is an Abbe condenser with an iris diaphragm and a filter holder.
And below this is an LED lamp with brightness adjustment.
In addition, you can configure the Köhler lighting.
The lighting is powered by an AC power supply.
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