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Alta X Drone.
Professional four-motor drone designed for demanding film, professional and industrial applications.
To ensure it can meet all the challenges it faces, it emphasises expandability and customisation.
The "Alta" blade reduces vibration to 1/5th of the normal level, so components will suffer less fatigue, the motor will have a longer life and the camera will feel less vibration, so data collection is quicker and, of course, you get better footage when shooting.
The Alta X is designed, assembled, tested and supported by the Freefly team at their headquarters in Woodinville WA, USA, and is designed to carry almost anything up to 15.9kg, with an integrated quick release system on the top and bottom of the aircraft, this lightweight quick release unit is located on the bottom of the system providing an easy mount and release solution for a wide variety of loads.
It has 3 battery voltage power outputs and optional 5V, 12V DC to DC converters.
The flight time duration will depend on the weight of the load, if the load is small the flight time could exceed 40 minutes, however, with maximum load the flight time will be 10/11 minutes.
It reaches a maximum speed of over 95 km/h.
It incorporates GPS and Barometer technology, thanks to which it can maintain its position even in difficult weather conditions.
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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