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PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.)

Kaaft Äre PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) mat Bitcoin, Ethereum oder Litecoin

Präis: 94,33€

Präis fir Daxdi Club Memberen: 66,03€

Aktien: jo (109 Unitéiten)

Kafen a PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) mat Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00095308 BTC

Kafen a PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) mat Ethereum Ethereum: 0.02729 ETH

Kafen a PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) mat Litecoin Litecoin: 15.886 LTC

*Special Präis verfügbar fir Daxdi Clubmemberen, wann Dir nach net Deel vum Club sidd kënnt Dir matmaachen hei

Kaaft Äre PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) mat Krypto-Währungen zum beschte Präis

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Produkt beschreiwung

PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.)

PS4 NBA 2K21 (Legend Ed.) Enjoy the NBA like never before with the legendary NBA 2K21 game for PlayStation 4.

NBA 2K21 NBA 2K21 is the newest installment of the famous NBA 2K best-selling saga, an unparalleled experience in sports video games.

With significant graphics and gameplay enhancements, competitive and community-based online features, and deep and varied game modes, NBA 2K21 offers a unique immersion in all facets of NBA basketball and its culture.

This game is everything.

Current Generation Mamba Forever Edition In addition to the NBA 2K21 game for the selected platform, it includes - NBA 2K21 Standard Edition game for PlayStation 5 / Xbox Series X + 100,000 additional VCs in the new generation release - 100,000 VC (virtual currency) - 10,000 MT (My Team points) - 10 My Team cards - 60 My Career Boosters - 40 My Team Promo packs (10 at launch, then 3 a week for 10 weeks) - 2 Sapphire cards from My Team by Damian Lillard and Zion Williamson - My Player Slipper Collection - Backpack for My Player - Kobe Bryant digital collection: - 5 Kobe slippers for My Player - 3 Kobe shirts for My Player - Black Mamba Kit for My Player - Kobe rookie shirts on the Lakers for My Team - Black Mamba custom T-shirts for My Team - Kobe Evolution Letter from Sapphire to Ruby -5 Kobe slippers for My Team


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