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Izsoles: Apple iMac 21.5"

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18,00€ 19,00€


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Apple iMac 21.5"

Apple iMac MRT42Y, 21.5 "4K, Intel® Core ™ i5-8500, 8GB RAM, 1TB Fusion, AMD560X, macOS
Apple has done it again.

It has surprised us all again.

Let the 21.5 "All in One Apple iMac MRT42Y dazzle you every time you open your desk door and leave you captivated with its incredible performance, quality and elegance.
The unattainable Apple Retina display
Apple devices have always been characterized by incorporating extraordinary screens.

This version of the iMac is not going to be an exception, since its Retina 4K screen of 21.5 inches and a pixel density of 4096x2304 will be like a window to other worlds for your eyes.

Any image will become an unprecedented show, with an incredible brightness of 500 nits and simply amazing contrasts.
A capital performance
Your new iMac will be a real racing car.

Thanks to the 8th generation Intel® Core i5-8500 processor you can navigate your All in One at incredible frequencies of 3.0 GHz in its 6 cores up to 4.1 GHz thanks to Turbo Boost technology.

Nor will you be disappointed by the 8 GB RAM, key in multitasking processes.

Both components will allow you to enjoy any software in a fluid and natural way.
The perfect graphic engine
To take advantage of the spectacular qualities of your Apple iMac you will have a sensational graphics card: the AMD Radeon Pro 560X with 4 GB of video memory.

Between this GPU and the retina display you will be able to visualize a billion different colors.

Will you have enough?
Your smartest storage
Having a large capacity hard disk is important, but if it is also fast and versatile, better than better.

The hard drive that mounts the iMac is a 1 TB Fusion Drive, a hybrid memory that, in addition to being large, will be very fast.

Your apps, your MacOS operating system, your browsing between folders ...

everything will go as fast as you ever imagined.
The speed of light
If you've never experienced the speed of USB Type-C ports, you'll hallucinate.

Thanks to the two Thunderbolt ports of the iMac you can transfer files at surreal speeds of up to 40 Gb / s.

You can also enjoy state-of-the-art Bluetooth connectivity for wireless transfer and its USB 3 ports.


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