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Izsoles: Conga 2690

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19,00€ 20,00€


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Lietotājs Bonbachraimund uzvar izsolē.
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    2024-12-23 11:35:18

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Conga 2690

Hoover robot - Cecotec Conga 2690, iTech Camera 360, Scrubber/sweeper, App map, 160 min, 64 db, Black The Conga 2690 from Cecotec is a professional 4-in-1 hoover robot: it sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs the entire surface in an orderly and intelligent way with Wi-Fi and interactive App.

Jalisco Brush: for the most imperceptible dirt Thanks to this new brush you can vacuum even the dirt that is not visible at first sight.

This robot hoover features the new iTech Camera 360 intelligent navigation technology, greater precision and technological interactivity.

APP Control: application for Smartphone with map, with which you can control your robot by selecting cleaning modes, programming the cleaning, selecting the level of suction and scrubbing power and viewing the cleaning history.

Total Surface and Virtual voice technology The robot uses Total Surface technology to clean the entire surface of your home.

If it runs out of battery it automatically returns to the base of charge by the fastest route, recharges the battery and goes out again to finish the cleaning.

Thanks to its new Virtual Voice technology you can connect the robot to the Alexa and Google Assistant virtual voice control assistants.

You can carry out various voice controls, such as start cleaning, stop cleaning, send the robot to its charging base or even locate the robot by means of audio emissions.

3 scrubbing modes The robot is programmed with the iWater system with three scrubbing modes: High: perfect for deep scrubbing, Medium: ideal for daily scrubbing and Low: the perfect mode for shallow scrubbing.

Thanks to these three modes, you will be able to scrub and mop any type of surface.

BestFriend Care system with two interchangeable brushes that prevent tangling.

A special rubber brush to remove animal hair from such difficult places as carpets and a double material brush for all types of surfaces and dirt.

10 cleaning modes It features the ForceClean system, which has a powerful turbine that maximises the high suction power of up to 2700 Pa.

It guarantees a floor that is always clean, collecting all types of dirt.

You can select among its 10 cleaning modes: Auto, Borders, Random, Twice, Spiral, Intensive Scrubbing, Spot, Smart Area, Manual and Back Home.

All-TimeTable System Its All-TimeTable system will allow you to program the robot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition, you will be able to carry out different programmes during the same day.

With the mixed tank you can program the robot to sweep, vacuum and mop in the morning and sweep, vacuum and mop the house in the afternoon, for example.

Add the different cleaning configurations, select from a total of 16 configurations between vacuuming and scrubbing.


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