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Izsoles: Conga 5090

Atlikušais laiks


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11,00€ 12,00€


Lietotājs Obsutluboslava uzvar izsolē.
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Lietotājs Obsutluboslava uzvar izsolē.
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    Atklāta izsole

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    3 Daxdi monētas

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Statistika par pēdējo 15 dienu laikā

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Nav vairāk pabeigtas izsoles šo produktu pēdējo 30 dienu laikā


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Conga 5090

Vacuum cleaner robot - Cecotec Conga 5090, Cy-Clean, Smart, Wi-Fi, 8000 Pa, Black
With the Cecotec Conga 5090 vacuum robot you can vacuum, sweep and mop or sweep simultaneously thanks to its mixed tank for solids and liquids.

It cleans 100% of the surface efficiently, tidily and intelligently with Wi-Fi and App with various maps and room management thanks to the RoomPlan system.
50 Cleaning plans
Thanks to the innovative Room Plan system, you can manage up to 50 cleaning plans, selecting the rooms in your home, so you can clean the selected space whenever you want.

Make a personalized edition and management of the cleaning of your home.
MultiMap system capable of storing several different maps in the robot's memory.

Interacts with the robot by performing spot cleaning, smart area cleaning or selecting restricted areas.

Its cleaning by areas allows you to select the rooms you want it to go through.

It is the perfect way to clean the most transient areas or the rooms where a deep cleaning is required.
APP Control
Application for Smartphone with which you can control your robot by selecting cleaning modes, programming the cleaning, selecting the level of suction and scrubbing power and observe the cleaning history.

In addition, it allows you to observe the map of your home and interact with the robot through the APP.
Suction and Scrubbing
The robot is programmed with the iWater system with three electronically controlled scrubbing modes, such as "High: perfect for deep scrubbing, Medium: ideal for daily scrubbing and Low: the perfect mode for shallow scrubbing.

These three modes allow you to scrub and mop any surface.
Compatible with Google Assistant and Alexa
Count on Google Assistant and Alexa virtual assistants to send specific commands via your voice.

You can control your robot just by talking to the assistants without having to move from your sofa.


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