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Izsoles: Garmin Fenix 5S Plus

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16,00€ 17,00€


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    Atklāta izsole

  • Piedāvājuma vērtība

    4 Daxdi monētas

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  • cuvelieraaron


    2024-12-25 01:01:09

  • safonovana


    2024-12-24 22:06:44

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Garmin Fenix 5S Plus

Sports watch - Garmin Fenix ​​5S Plus, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Heart rate, 10 ATM, 16 GB,
Get on the new wave and get the Garmin Fenix ​​5S Plus sports watch in black and 42 mm in size.

You will be able to enjoy a great variety of functions with which to improve your workouts, whatever sport they are, such as heart rate control and oxygen consumption.

In addition to the multiple technologies, its design is so elegant that you will wear it with your best clothes.
Water resistant watch
The Garmin Fenix ​​5S Plus sports watch has a compact 42mm diameter body, a size designed to optimize performance.

Its design is sporty and resistant, as well as a superior quality finish thanks to a stainless steel body and a forged steel back that guarantee great performance in the most demanding environments.

It is waterproof ATM 10, perfect for water sports.
An anti-glare screen
The Garmin watch screen is high resolution and is always active to ensure optimal readability at all times.

It has a size of 1.1 inches and is equipped with transflective technology that reflects and transmits light at the same time so that the screen is readable even in sunlight.
Control your heart rate
If you like to have all kinds of data about how your body works, the Garmin watch will be very useful.

Through the Elevate sensor you can always know your heart rate without the need to wear any chest strap.

You can also know the effectiveness of your training, if it is being productive and you are progressing, the estimation of your oxygen consumption per minute and the control of the recovery recommended after your effort, among many other data.
For all kinds of sports
In addition to the running functions, the Garmin Fenix ​​5S Plus sports watch also offers you a set of special options that adapt to all kinds of activities: from golf, skiing or rowing sports to paddle surfing, swimming or cycling.

You will be able to know the strokes that you have taken in your pool training, the speed at which you go with the bicycle, the slope by which you are skiing or the steps you take when running among hundreds of other functions.
Explore the world with GPS and GLONASS
You go for a walk and enjoy nature without fear of getting lost.

Thanks to the incorporation of positioning technologies such as GPS and GLONASS, you will have at your disposal navigation systems that will help you know at all times where you are, what routes you can take, what temperature is around you or what weather changes are coming.

Incredible true?
Smart features
The Garmin Fenix ​​5S Plus sports watch also incorporates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, which will be very useful if you want to listen to the music stored in the watch using wireless headphones (not included).

You can have up to 500 songs stored in the 16 GB of memory that this watch incorporates.


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