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Pašreizējais Daxdi serveru laiks 14-01-2025 12:41:17 (CEST)
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Izsole tiks automātiski aizvērta, kad lietotāja cena sasniegs slēpto noslēpumaino cenu.
14-01-25 | Gena65 | 23,84€ |
14-01-25 | Ben64Jansse | 23,83€ |
14-01-25 | roxelana31 | 23,82€ |
14-01-25 | Periandros28 | 23,81€ |
14-01-25 | CpilarovaŠ | 23,80€ |
14-01-25 | hanssenjacob | 23,79€ |
14-01-25 | Donnellyirma | 23,78€ |
14-01-25 | Periandros28 | 23,77€ |
14-01-25 | Pamfilcretu | 23,76€ |
14-01-25 | Periandros28 | 23,75€ |
14-01-25 | EsundqvistV | 23,74€ |
14-01-25 | EsundqvistV | 23,73€ |
14-01-25 | raniaschmitz | 23,72€ |
14-01-25 | Periandros28 | 23,71€ |
14-01-25 | unabergvins | 23,70€ |
14-01-25 | Periandros28 | 23,69€ |
14-01-25 | CpilarovaŠ | 23,68€ |
14-01-25 | roxelana31 | 23,67€ |
14-01-25 | raniaschmitz | 23,66€ |
14-01-25 | Truhua | 23,65€ |
12:38:41 | Gena65 | 23,84€ |
12:38:20 | Ben64Jansse | 23,83€ |
12:37:15 | roxelana31 | 23,82€ |
12:36:25 | Periandros28 | 23,81€ |
12:36:24 | CpilarovaŠ | 23,80€ |
12:36:07 | hanssenjacob | 23,79€ |
12:35:44 | Donnellyirma | 23,78€ |
12:35:21 | Periandros28 | 23,77€ |
12:34:28 | Pamfilcretu | 23,76€ |
12:32:54 | Periandros28 | 23,75€ |
12:32:48 | EsundqvistV | 23,74€ |
12:32:28 | EsundqvistV | 23,73€ |
12:32:10 | raniaschmitz | 23,72€ |
12:31:27 | Periandros28 | 23,71€ |
12:31:10 | unabergvins | 23,70€ |
12:30:46 | Periandros28 | 23,69€ |
12:30:41 | CpilarovaŠ | 23,68€ |
12:29:59 | roxelana31 | 23,67€ |
12:29:33 | raniaschmitz | 23,66€ |
12:29:29 | Truhua | 23,65€ |
Noslēpums izsole
6 Daxdi monētas
826.25 Lietotājiem
219 Cenas
0.27 Reizes
2025-01-10 05:40:14
2025-01-08 11:41:53
2025-01-03 04:34:51
2025-01-02 09:36:35
Produkts tiks piegādāts ne vairāk kā 24 stundu laikā pēc tam, kad būsiet uzvarējis un samaksājis par izsoli.
Izsolāmais produkts ir pieejams apmaiņai par tā naudas vērtību
Lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju par produktu piegādi vai to apmaiņu ar naudas vērtību, varat iepazīties ar BUJ vai atvērt atbalsta biļeti
Building on more than 40 years of leading edge innovation, Meade Instruments recently introduced the new MEADE LX850 series of telescopes.
Using revolutionary new technology, every aspect of this incredible telescope has been designed to become a new standard in astrophotography and visual observation.
FASTER AND SHARPER OPTICS The MEADE ED APO LX850 130mm refracting telescope is a Series 6000 Triplet refracting tube and is among the best optical performance equipment available at any price.
Combined with the fantastic qualities of the LX850 mount this equipment is the dream of any advanced astrophotographer, made reality.
The tube has a diameter of 130mm with a Triple Fully Multi-Coated lens manufactured with the highest quality ED (Extra Low Dispersion) glass to provide images of unusual contrast and definition and with almost total extinction of any type of chromatic aberration.
It features a high-precision 3" dual speed Crayford focuser with a 10:1 macro-to-mic reduction for fine focusing.
The focal length is 910mm with a focal ratio of f/7.
SOLID GERMAN EQUATORIAL MOUNT WITH HIGH PRECISION MECHANICS Built from machined stainless steel and aluminium of the type used for aircraft fuselage, the MEADE LX850 mount represents a solid and robust platform with bearings (ball bearings) on both axles and an AR shaft of stainless steel and 44.5mm diameter.
Its 17.2mm diameter brass bevels and 255 tooth, 147.32mm diameter aluminium crowns provide smooth and precise movement even when carrying a load of up to 40kg.
The MEADE LX850 mount offers a fully computerized system with GOTO, GPS and a database that offers the possibility of navigating to 144,000 objects.
All this is mounted on a new super-stable tripod designed for the needs of this mount.
STARLOCK - PERMANENT AUTOMATIC GUIDANCE SYSTEM The StarLock is the revolutionary new technology that automatically tracks a guide star using an image sensor and ensures very accurate guidance during the exposures and in a fully automatic way.
The StarLock uses an 80mm diameter optical system at f/5 and a large field lens in a two-camera system that automatically finds your object with great accuracy, and immediately captures the image of the star field with stars up to magnitude 11, providing guidance with an accuracy of one arc second.
There is no longer any need for a parallel guidance system or a PC.
The StarLock does not require the user to focus or select a guide star.
StarLock automatically schedules periodic Error Correction and is then able to correct other errors virtually to virtual zero.
With the combination of one of the best optics, a robust German Equatorial mount and the revolutionary StarLock system, the MEADE LX850 mount is the most complete astrophotography solution available on the market today.
General features of the MEADE LX850-ACF 130mm f/7 Triple ED APO Refractor Telescope The MEADE LX850-ACF series is the latest addition to the more than prestigious range of technological products developed by MEADE.
The LX850-ACF series has been designed to take you to the next level in both visual observation and optics.
Included with the MEADE LX850-ACF telescopes is the STARLOCK system which is a guidance system (with two cameras) that is permanently guiding with an accuracy of 1 arc second, it also incorporates an ultra-precision pointing system and a drift alignment aid routine.
It incorporates 225 tooth crowns with a crown/bronze step system with a very low periodic error, internal wiring, GPS receiver, GOTO AUTOSTAR II system with a library of over 144,000 objects, large capacity tripod with adjustable height and anti-vibration mounts, connection cable to PC USB port and AutoStar Suite software.
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