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Izsoles: Melitta Aroma Signature Deluxe

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12,00€ 13,00€


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Melitta Aroma Signature Deluxe

Drip coffee maker - Melitta 100702 Aroma Signature Deluxe, 1520 W, For 10 cups, Black
Wake up with a delicious cup of tasty and aromatic coffee.

The Aroma Signature Deluxe filter coffee maker is the solution to obtain a perfect aroma coffee.

Its technology guarantees optimum temperature and preparation time, and has a temperature maintenance function, top quality materials and innovative functions.

This coffee maker allows you to enjoy a good coffee every day.
Premium Aroma Technology
With Aroma Premium technology, Melitta offers first-class filter coffee.

The special heating and preparation technology allows the optimal extraction of coffee aromas and also shortens the coffee preparation time.
3-in-1 CALC protection
Only regular decalcification guarantees the perfect operation of your coffee machine.

Therefore, the coffee machine offers a 3-in-1 lime protection with programmable water hardness, calcification grade display and a practical automatic descaling program.
Stainless steel case
The coffee machine convinces not only by numerous functions, but at the same time by a modern design.

The elegant stainless steel case and the additional stainless steel applications make the coffee machine a real attraction!
Programmable heating time
Program the heating time according to your individual requirements: it is possible to perform 30, 60 or 90 minutes.

After the programmed time has elapsed, the device automatically turns off.

This prevents unnecessary loss of aroma and saves energy.


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