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Produkts tiks piegādāts ne vairāk kā 24 stundu laikā pēc tam, kad būsiet uzvarējis un samaksājis par izsoli.
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Jūs varat iegādāties šo produktu jebkurā brīdī, ja esat pielicis cenas šajā izsolē, cenu vērtība tiks atskaitīta no produkta gala cenas.
Gaming PC - MSI MEG Infinite X 10SD-669EU, Intel® Core™ i7-10700KF, 32GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 2TB HDD, RTX2070, W10 With the MSI MEG Infinite X 10SD-669EU gaming computer in black colour you will be able to reach the highest adrenaline while enjoying all your favourite games, the gaming tower is the most suitable to enjoy the combination of the processing speed and the fluidity and sharpness of all the graphics.
Extra power Get incredible performance for maximum productivity, with the powerful Intel® Core™ i7-10700K processor with turbo speed up to 5.10 GHz with Intel® Turbo Max 3.0 is geared towards mid-level gamers or advanced enthusiasts and content creators, or mid-level users who want incredible performance for maximum productivity, offering superior performance and flexible solutions that produce flashes of fun, productivity and creativity.
The "K" series indicates that the processor is unlocked for overclocking and is built with Soldered Thermal Interface Material (STIM), a feature that gives you more thermal headroom by dissipating more heat, allowing you to boost in gaming, multitasking or other demanding tasks with less concern about overheating and damage to your system.
Surprising graphics Inside the MSI MEG Infinite X 10SD-669EU gaming PC is an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER graphics card that will give you the performance you need for your games and other multimedia.
There will be almost no game in the world capable of beating this system, no matter how many demands or screens you want to put on it.
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