Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz.

Iegādājieties savu Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz. ar Bitcoin, Ethereum Vai Litecoin

Cenu: 1.675,58€

Cena Daxdi kluba biedriem: 1.172,91€

Akciju: (20 vienības)

Iegādājieties Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz. ar Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.01772079 BTC

Iegādājieties Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz. ar Ethereum Ethereum: 0.51040 ETH

Iegādājieties Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz. ar Litecoin Litecoin: 310.801 LTC

*Īpaša cena pieejama Daxdi kluba biedriem, ja vēl neesat kluba biedrs, varat pievienoties. šeit

Iegādājieties savu Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz. ar kriptovalūtām par labāko cenu

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Preces apraksts

Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz.

Gold coin 100 ¥ Yuan-China-1 oz.-Panda-2013
Product: Gold coin.
Metal: GOLD (Au).
Purity: 24K (999/1000 mm) 99.9% pure gold.
Total currency weight: 31.10 grams.
Country of origin: China (Shenzhen Guobao Mint)
Facial value: 100 Yuan.
Type of edition: Bullion.
Conservation: Without circulating.
Year 2013.
Presentation: Sealed in original plastic wrap of the Shenzhen Guobao Mint.
VAT: 0%.

(VAT: special gold regime.)
Description: Official Chinese bullion coin (bullion ingot) issued for the first time in 1982 in the sizes of 1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/10 ounce, with the portrait on the back of the iconic native mammal of the Central China that gives its name to the currency.
This portrait varies annually, (except for 2001 and 2002, which share the same design) and is a great aesthetic appeal, although the real attraction of this coin is its reliability as a reserve of value after 36 years of continuous emissions.
On the obverse of the piece we can find a representation of the "Temple of Heaven", a temple complex located in Beijing, and on this the legend 中华人民共和国 whose translation is the People's Republic of China (Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo).
Although it has been produced in different houses of the Chinese currency, today the main producer is the "Shenzhen Guobao Mint" operated by "China Gold Coin Corporation", a company affiliated with the People's Bank of China and designated by the government for manufacturing of legal currency in bullion format.


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