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Maksutov-Cassegrain SkyWatcher 180/2700mm telescope with AZQ6 Pro GoTo mount The Maksutov-Cassegrain type retro-reflective optical tubes have always stood out for their enormous contrast capacity and magnification power.
In addition to this, as their optical system is based on the mirrors that are integrated, Maksutov-Cassegrain are free of any chromatic aberration.
This makes them an ideal alternative to classic achromatic refractors as they improve the appearance of the chromatics.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the Maksutov-Cassegrain model by SKYWATCHER presented here has a Maksutov corrector plate made of top quality glass.
The result is undoubtedly a guarantee of success.
The new SKYWATCHER AZ-EQ6 SYNSCAN frame offers us the optimum stability and pointing accuracy for a wide range of heavy professional photographic and video equipment.
It is a hybrid mount with the possibility of operating in Altacimutal format for general use and also in Equatorial format to be able to take astrophotography.
The SKYWATCHER AZ-EQ6 SYNSCAN mount is supplied with the SYNSCAN control knob which includes dual firmware for both AZ and EQ formats.
It can track and locate more than 42,900 celestial objects stored in its database.
The SKYWATCHER AZ-EQ6 SYNSCAN mount has the capacity to carry heavy professional photo or video equipment.
It is also very easy to transport and efficient because it weighs only 15 kg and has a load capacity of 25 kg (excluding the counterweight).
Tracking made easy -- Freedom Find™ With the patented FREEDOM FIND technology (dual-encoder) the telescope can be moved either manually or electronically in both axes and without losing information about its position or alignment.
After moving to point at a new object, the telescope will automatically start tracking the new object precisely.
It will not be necessary to re-align the telescope during the entire observing session.
We at Telescopiomania value this technological feature very highly, as it incorporates a functionality that until now has only been available to users with professional mounts.
New features: German Equatorial/Altacimutal dual mode mount.
Permanent Periodic Error Correction (PPEC).
PPEC can be calibrated with an Autoguide or via PC.
Improved and more reliable power connector.
Encoder on both axes allows to know at any time the position of the mount.
Users can disengage and move the mount without losing the correct alignment of the mount.
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