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Lottery progress: 100%
1º Winner : YmirabelsLa(153)
2º Winner : irinasoare(97)
3º Winner : Garsonweime(85)
Total lottery numbers: -
Number price : -
Numbers sold : -
Remaining numbers : -
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* The first prize can be exchanged for its value in cash instantly.
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Solana is a highly functional open source project that builds on the permissionless nature of blockchain technology to provide decentralised financial solutions (DeFi).
While the idea and initial work on the project began in 2017, Solana was officially launched in March 2020 by the Solana Foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Solana protocol is designed to facilitate the creation of decentralised applications (DApps).
It aims to improve scalability by introducing a proof-of-history (PoH) consensus combined with the underlying proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus of the blockchain.
Due to the innovative hybrid consensus model, Solana enjoys the interest of both small traders and institutional traders.
An important focus for the Solana Foundation is to make decentralised finance accessible on a larger scale.
One of the essential innovations that Solana brings is the proof-of-history (PoH) consensus developed by Anatoly Yakovenko.
This concept allows for greater scalability of the protocol, which in turn increases ease of use.
Solana is well-known in the cryptocurrency space due to the incredibly short processing times offered by the blockchain.
Solana's hybrid protocol allows for significantly reduced validation times for both transaction and smart contract execution.
With incredibly fast processing times, Solana has also attracted a lot of institutional interest.
The Solana protocol is aimed at both small users and enterprise customers.
One of Solana's main promises to customers is that they will not be surprised by increased fees and taxes.
The protocol is designed in such a way that it has low transaction costs and, at the same time, guarantees scalability and fast processing.
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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