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Placing a bid in a Daxdi auction is very simple, you just have to have enough Daxdi coins in your account and click on the bid button, your bid has already been placed.
But the difficult thing is to make your bids at the best time, play with your opponents' minds, try to confuse them and make their minds not understand the way you bid.
To be a good bidder you need to think and plan your strategies. Use the tools we provide, such as the Daxdi Assistant, the Daxdi Spy or the Daxdi Pro, take all the information provided by those tools and analyze it in seconds to act in the best possible way.
There are two ways to win an auction, with luck or with intelligence. Good luck can work sometimes, but when you win with intelligence, luck has a minimal influence.
These auctions are very good to start seeing how many participants there are and how they act.
There are auctions that close without any placed bid, many times the users focus on high value products and let lower value or interest products escape.
We recommend to new users who do not have experience as online bidders to start bidding on public descending auctions, with a start price between zl 5.00 and zl 10.00.
Theses auctions are short, limited by zl 0.00 price (if the auction price reach zl 0.00 the auction ends) and normally are normal products auctions, so the auction will have less participants than high value auctions.
Another advantage of starting with these auctions types is that probably the 95% of the participants are users who are also starting and learning, so normally there are not experienced participants in them.
Visit the frequent questions answers, there you will find the answers to the most questions.
Open a new support ticket from your user panel, you will have an answer in less than an hour.
Visit the Daxdi guides, there are a detailed guide for each auction type and Daxdi function.
Visit the Daxdi support center to get the quick solution to the main issues and doubts.
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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