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Auction: Microsoft Surface Pro 6

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22,00Lei 23,00Lei


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The user Ryan45Nuwag is winning the auction.
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    7 Daxdi coins

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Microsoft Surface Pro 6

Microsoft Surface Pro 6 Laptop, I7-8650U 16GB, 1TB SSD, 12.3 '', Windows 10 Pro, Silver
Ultralight and versatile Increase your productivity with the new Surface Pro 6, now faster than ever with the latest 8th generation Intel® Core ™ processor and the full Windows 10 Home experience.
Its 770 grams of weight make it ultra-thin and light, so it allows you a mobility without compromise.

In addition, the innovative integrated rear support adapts perfectly to your needs.

Wherever you are, with the new Surface Pro 6 device, it's easy to work and play: you can switch from tablet mode to studio mode or to portable mode by adding the keyboard case (not included).
Intel Core i7 8650U processor
4.2 GHz processor speed
8 MB cache
Operating system Windows 10 Home
Screen size 12.3 in2
Resolution 2736x1824 pixels
16 GB Ram Memory
Hard Disk Type: HDD
Capacity: 1000 GB
Card Type: INTEL Graphic Processor
UHD Graphics 620
Dimensions 29.9 x 0.85 x 20.1 cm
Weight 0.77 kg


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