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Licitaţie: Nintendo Switch Neon 32GB

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Nintendo Switch Neon 32GB

Console - Nintendo Switch Neon - 32GB + Voucher for € 35 Nintendo eShop
Here is the console that has revolutionized the way you play.

The mobility of a portable console is linked to the power of a home console.

With the Nintendo Switch you can play wherever you want, when you want and with whoever you want.

Includes € 35 card to use in the Nintendo eShop.

Content - Nintendo Switch Console.

-Joy-Con (L).

-Joy-Con (R).

-Base of Nintendo Switch.

-Support for Joy-Con controls.

- Nintendo Switch power adapter.

-HDMI cable.

-Control straps.

Features Console battery Maximum of approximately 6 hours, depending on the game and the conditions of use.

For example, the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be used for about 3 hours on a single charge.

Internal memory 32 GB of NAND memory.

A portion is reserved for system requirements.

Users can easily expand storage capacity using microSDXC cards.

6.2 inch (15.75 cm) capacitive multitouch screen with a resolution of 1280 x 720.

Controls A control or two, vertically or horizontally, motion control or with the buttons ...

versatility has a new meaning thanks to Joy-Con and Nintendo Switch offer you total flexibility when playing.

The games come to life thanks to the easy-to-use motion controls and the sophisticated HD vibration function included in each Joy-Con control.

Use the included Joy-Con control frame and transform both Joy-Con into a traditional style control.

Depending on the type of game, you can use a Joy-Con on each hand or share one of them with a friend.

Are you going out? Attach the Joy-Con controls to the Nintendo Switch console and take it wherever you want.

Focus on family fun using the parental control feature to manage the use of the Nintendo Switch console.

You can restrict purchases on Nintendo eShop, limit social media publishing, control access to games based on their age rating and more.

The free application for mobile devices offers you more options and allows you to manage parental control of the Nintendo Switch console from anywhere in a convenient way.

Album Take screenshots easily with the capture button on the left Joy-Con control.

Save, edit, share on social networks from your album.

News and notifications Get the latest news about games, Nintendo events, notifications and more with your free Nintendo account.

With Switch Pro-Controller, the control for the new generation of Nintendo with which you will get the most professional control.

The Nintendo Switch Pro-Controller includes a USB charging cable and features the new HD vibration technology, NFC point for compatibility with amiibo figures and motion sensors.


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