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Dražbi: Conga 3090

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Trenutna cena

14,00€ 15,00€


Uporabnik ilinda87 je zmago na dražbi.
Najnovejše ponudbe
Podatki o dražbi

Vrednost izdelka


Vrednost kovancev Daxdi




Uporabnik ilinda87 je zmago na dražbi.
Udeleženci s sedežem na tej dražbi
1. garthdicki
2. ilinda87
3. RsimionAria

Informacije o dražbi

  • Trenutna cena


  • Vrednost izdelka


  • ID dražbe


  • Vrsta dražbe

    Zasebna dražba

  • Vrednost ponudbe

    3 Kovanci Daxdi

  • Začetna cena


Statistika zadnjih 15 dni

  • Povprečno število udeležencev

    0 Uporabniki

  • Povprečni znesek ponudb, ki so jih opravili zmagovalci

    0 Kovanci Daxdi

  • Povprečni objavljeni časi v tednu

    0 Krat

  • Povprečna končna cena


  • Povprečni prihranki zmagovalcev


  • Povprečna poraba zmagovalcev


Najnovejši zmagovalci

Ni več dokončanih dražb tega izdelka v zadnjih 30 dneh

Ladijski promet

Izdelek bo odstavljen v največ 24 urah, ko boste zmagali in plačali dražbo.

Izdelek na dražbi je na voljo, da se zamenja za svojo denarno vrednost

Če želite več informacij o dobavi ali zamenjavi za njihovo denarno vrednost, se lahko posvetujte s pogostimi vprašanji ali odprete podporno vozovnico

Nakup izdelka

Ta izdelek lahko kupite v vsakem trenutku, če ste na to dražbo predložili ponudbe, se bo vrednost ponudb odštela od končne cene izdelka.

Conga 3090

Robot vacuum cleaner - Conga Series 3090/2, Laser Mapping, Interactive App, 4 in 1, Scrubbing Scrubbing
With the robot vacuum cleaner 4 in 1 Cecotec Conga Laser 3092 you can sweep, vacuum, mop and scrub, and all this simultaneously and through its complete cleaning program that has 10 modes of your choice depending on the type of floor and cleaning required.
Schedule it
The robot is fully programmable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you don't have to be aware of activating the vacuum cleaner.
Control it
You can control it from anywhere thanks to its remote control and the Conga S3090 App, which allows you to perform weekly programming or view the cleaning history, as well as optimize each of the robot's functionalities and save time.

It also includes connectivity with Alexa and Google Assitant.
Innovation at your fingertips
The main innovation of this robot is its iTech Laser 360 technology that performs an interactive and memory mapping.

It includes the latest technology in the market: the laser.

Performs a 360º recognition by projecting a beam of light at a distance of 6 to 8 meters to map to the smallest detail.

It knows perfectly where it is and detects every piece of furniture in your home to make the fastest and most efficient route.

Created for all types of floors, it adapts completely to your home and cleans 100% of the surface, under furniture, detects obstacles and avoiding unevenness or falls.
Perfect finishes
It also has scrubbing mode.

Its innovative reciprocating movement provides a perfect finish on all types of surfaces and removes the most embedded dirt.


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