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Philips Senseo XL

Kupite svoj Philips Senseo XL s spletno stranjo . Bitcoin, Ethereum Ali Litecoin

Cena: 82,80€

Cena za člane kluba Daxdi: 57,96€

Zalog: Da (261 enote)

Kupite Philips Senseo XL z Bitoinom Bitcoin: 0.00083658 BTC

Kupite Philips Senseo XL z Ethereumom Ethereum: 0.02395 ETH

Kupite Philips Senseo XL z Litecoinom Litecoin: 13.944 LTC

*Za člane kluba Daxdi je na voljo posebna cena, če še niste del kluba, se lahko včlanite tukaj

Kupite svoj Philips Senseo XL s kriptovalutami po najboljši ceni

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Vsi nakupi vključujejo dokumentacijo o izdelku (če je primerno) in 2-letno garancijo proizvajalca.

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Pošiljka in dostava

Če izdelek kupite pred 18:00 uro, bo izdelek odstavljen v istem dnevu. (nedelje niso vključene).

Izdelke pošiljajo nujni mednarodni prevozniki pošiljk, v največ 72 urah bo vaš izdelek prispel v vašo hišo.

Virtualni izdelki se takoj pošljejo na vaš registrirani e-poštni naslov.

Opis izdelka

Philips Senseo XL

Capsule coffee maker - Philips Senseo Original XL, Removable tank 1.2 L, 2 cups, Nozzle
Taste a delicious coffee at the press of a button on the Philips Senseo Original XL HD6555 / 82 single-dose coffee maker in red.

Enjoy its features designed for great comfort; as its large water tank or the possibility of preparing two coffees at the same time.
XL tank
Prepare up to 19 cups of coffee before having to refill the water tank.

The capacity of 1.2 liters is perfect if you do not feel like having to constantly fill your removable tank.

In addition, you can remove it with total ease and put it to wash the dishwasher.
2 cups at the same time
You decide: one or two cups at a time.

You just have to press a button.

Spend less time preparing coffee for yourself and who you want.

Give yourself the luxury of an exceptional coffee with Senseo Coffee Boost technology, which extracts all the flavor of the capsules.

And if you activate the Cream Plus function, you will get a thinner and velvety cream layer.
Efficient operation
Do not worry if you forget to turn off the coffee maker, because it saves energy through the automatic disconnection function after 30 minutes.

And it is that the quality of Philips is guaranteed with the tests that it performs in more than 10,000 cups of coffee.


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