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DJI Tello Iron Man Edition

DJI Tello Iron Man Edition

Cena: 166,62€

Cena za člane kluba Daxdi: 116,63€

Zalog: Da (174 enote)

*Za člane kluba Daxdi je na voljo posebna cena, če še niste del kluba, se lahko včlanite tukaj

Kupite svoj DJI Tello Iron Man Edition po najboljši ceni

Prijavite se v svoj račun Daxdi in si oglejte možnosti nakupa.

Brezplačna dostava, vračilo in zamenjava za vsa naročila.

Vsi nakupi vključujejo dokumentacijo o izdelku (če je primerno) in 2-letno garancijo proizvajalca.

Vse pošiljke izdelkov, katerih vrednost presega 999 EUR, so zavarovane za škodo pri prevozu.

Prejeli boste DJI Tello Iron Man Edition v največ 48 urah (brez sobot, nedelj in praznikov)..

Pošiljka in dostava

Če izdelek kupite pred 18:00 uro, bo izdelek odstavljen v istem dnevu. (nedelje niso vključene).

Izdelke pošiljajo nujni mednarodni prevozniki pošiljk, v največ 72 urah bo vaš izdelek prispel v vašo hišo.

Virtualni izdelki se takoj pošljejo na vaš registrirani e-poštni naslov.

Opis izdelka

DJI Tello Iron Man Edition

Drone - DJI Tello Iron Man Edition, Video 720p, Photo 5 MP, Range 13 minutes, Distance 100 m
For Marvel fans, Tello Iron Man Edition is perfect for learning to pilot a drone while immersed in the exciting world of the Avengers.

This fun mini drone comes with an immersive application, allowing you to explore the world of the Avengers.

Inspired by the classic Iron Man armor, Tello Iron Man Edition's casing includes the heroic Arc Reactor, engines and golden propeller tips.

The Tello Hero app offers an immersive experience and a glimpse into the world of Iron Man.
Ryze Tello Iron Man Edition
Ryze Tello Iron Man Edition is the hero's version of the mini drone developed in collaboration with DJI, the world's leading drone and cardan brand.

The new Tello shares the same armor as Stark Industries, with a red frame and gold elements.

In the centre is the famous Helix of the Arc, the generator from which the superhero's power comes.

The drone is still extremely light and harmless, weighing only 87 grams and with 7.6 cm propellers.

Perfect for kids who want to enter the world of drones for the first time.

This drone is capable of taking pictures at 5 MP and 720p video with electronic stabilization, flying up to 13 minutes to reach a maximum distance of 100 meters.
An immersive experience
The new Tello Hero app offers an immersive experience that propels you into the world of Iron Man.

As we launch the new dedicated smartphone application, Friday's voice will guide you through the process.

The application introduces an Avengers style theme and has a new "Missions" feature that, again by Friday's voice, will indicate the tasks to be performed to complete the missions.

With a comprehensive user guide, automatic modes, sensors and a simplified smartphone interface.

Tello Iron Man Edition offers you a range of flight modes to achieve your most heroic actions.

Creative features like 360°, Throw & Go and 8D Flip make flying much easier and fun.

Kupiti DJI Tello Iron Man Edition s kriptovalutami


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