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Beats Solo3 Yeşil

Beats Solo3 Yeşil

Cena: 313,34€

Cena za člane kluba Daxdi: 219,34€

Zalog: Da (289 enote)

*Za člane kluba Daxdi je na voljo posebna cena, če še niste del kluba, se lahko včlanite tukaj

Kupite svoj Beats Solo3 Yeşil po najboljši ceni

Prijavite se v svoj račun Daxdi in si oglejte možnosti nakupa.

Brezplačna dostava, vračilo in zamenjava za vsa naročila.

Vsi nakupi vključujejo dokumentacijo o izdelku (če je primerno) in 2-letno garancijo proizvajalca.

Vse pošiljke izdelkov, katerih vrednost presega 999 EUR, so zavarovane za škodo pri prevozu.

Prejeli boste Beats Solo3 Yeşil v največ 48 urah (brez sobot, nedelj in praznikov)..

Pošiljka in dostava

Če izdelek kupite pred 18:00 uro, bo izdelek odstavljen v istem dnevu. (nedelje niso vključene).

Izdelke pošiljajo nujni mednarodni prevozniki pošiljk, v največ 72 urah bo vaš izdelek prispel v vašo hišo.

Virtualni izdelki se takoj pošljejo na vaš registrirani e-poštni naslov.

Opis izdelka

Beats Solo3 Yeşil

Headphones - Beats Solo3, Wireless, Bluetooth, Grass green
Enjoy the iconic sound of the Beats now wirelessly with the Beats Solo3 headphones in grass green.

You can pair your Bluetooth devices and listen to the music wirelessly, to make it more comfortable.

With up to 40 hours of battery life, Beats Solo3 Wireless is the perfect headset for every day.

Pair your iPhone, iPad or iPod with the headphones and enjoy your favorite artists wirelessly.
Feel the music in an intimate and personal way
Beats Solo3 headphones make your sound experience intimate, personal and real.

They have been designed to generate the emotional experience that some of the most important producers of rock, hip-hop, pop, electronic music and R&B in the music industry want you to feel.

This is how music would sound if the artist could play it for you in person.
The surrounding world will remain silent
Silence the noise of your daily commuting and the dramas of your noisy neighbors with the comfort pads that dampen external noise to provide surround sound, so you can experience the music the way it should be heard.
Rechargeable battery that lasts 40 hours
Don't stop the beat! With the Beats Solo3 headphones you will enjoy all your music wirelessly for up to 40 hours, and if you have a low battery, don't worry, with Fast Fuel, 5 minutes of charging allows 3 hours of playback when the battery is low.
Lighter, stronger and more comfortable
The Beats Solo3 headphones have been modernized with fast curves, smooth surfaces and no visible screws.

Its headband is lighter, stronger and more comfortable.

Its ergonomic pads adjust flexibly and adapt perfectly to the shape of the head.

Kupiti Beats Solo3 Yeşil s kriptovalutami


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