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Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus

Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus

Cena: 3.477,98€

Cena za člane kluba Daxdi: 2.434,59€

Zalog: Da (118 enote)

*Za člane kluba Daxdi je na voljo posebna cena, če še niste del kluba, se lahko včlanite tukaj

Kupite svoj Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus po najboljši ceni

Prijavite se v svoj račun Daxdi in si oglejte možnosti nakupa.

Brezplačna dostava, vračilo in zamenjava za vsa naročila.

Vsi nakupi vključujejo dokumentacijo o izdelku (če je primerno) in 2-letno garancijo proizvajalca.

Vse pošiljke izdelkov, katerih vrednost presega 999 EUR, so zavarovane za škodo pri prevozu.

Prejeli boste Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus v največ 48 urah (brez sobot, nedelj in praznikov)..

Pošiljka in dostava

Če izdelek kupite pred 18:00 uro, bo izdelek odstavljen v istem dnevu. (nedelje niso vključene).

Izdelke pošiljajo nujni mednarodni prevozniki pošiljk, v največ 72 urah bo vaš izdelek prispel v vašo hišo.

Virtualni izdelki se takoj pošljejo na vaš registrirani e-poštni naslov.

Opis izdelka

Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus

Silver Ingot 5 kg Argor-Heraeus
Product: Silver Ingot.
Weight: 5 Kg
Metal: SILVER (AG)
Purity: 999 / 1000mm, 99.90% PURE SILVER.
Dimensions: 230.0mm x 60.0mm x 40.0mm.
Manufacturer: Argor-Heraeus S.A.
Country of origin: Switzerland
· Lbma Silver Good Delivery List.
From 1992 to the present.
VAT: 21% (Included in the price)
Description: Silver bar in "Cast Bar" format (cast in mold).
In 1951 it was founded in Chiasso, a Swiss commune in the canton of Ticino near the border with Italy, the Argor S.A.


In a short space of time it became one of the most important refineries in Europe being acquired in 1973 by the Swiss bank UBS.

After a “Join-Venture” between UBS and the German refinery Heraeus, the Argor-Heraeus SA group was born in 1986.

After the transfer of the headquarters to the city of Mendrisio in the same Swiss canton where it was created, it is acquired in its totality by Heraeus.
After a series of shares in the shareholding by the Commerzbank bank as well as the Austrian mint, in 2017 it becomes 100% owned by the Heraeus group under its Global Business Unit division Heraeus Precious Metals (HPM) .
Under this division, Argor-Heraeus, is part of the largest global provider of services in the precious metals sector covering all areas of the same with a refining capacity of four hundred tons per year.
Its long and successful trajectory, as well as the recognized quality of its products, are a guarantee of value for the safest heritage diversification.

Kupiti Gümüş Külçe 5 kg Argor-Heraeus s kriptovalutami


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