Making a sequel to a popular game carries with it a lot of anxiety.
Some players will be satisfied with more of the same and a few new enemies and weapons.
But in the hyper-competitive modern marketplace, where more titles come out than any sane person could possibly play, the pressure is on to avoid the sophomore slump and make the second game truly special.
Hopoo Games, the small indie team behind 2013 hit Risk of Rain, took that philosophy to heart with its sequel, which comes out of early access this month.
It could have easily coasted on the brilliantly tuned roguelike action of the first game, which combines tense combat, Metroid-style exploration and horde survival into an addictive experience.
Instead, it made a huge gamble: transplanting the entire experience into 3D for Risk of Rain 2 while keeping the vibe of the original intact.
Let’s see how Hopoo tackled it.
Entering the Third Dimension
Gaming history has a few notable examples of 2D franchises making this jump, and it’s instructive to look at a few of them to see how they managed.
Probably the most famous leap into 3D came in 1996, when Nintendo coupled the release of the Nintendo 64 console with Super Mario 64.
The plumber’s adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom had previously taken place on side-scrolling stages that grew more complex as the franchise proceeded.
When it was time to go 3D, director Shigeru Miyamoto realized that the kind of pixel-precise reflex tests that the game thrived on simply weren’t possible.
In an interview for the official Japanese strategy guide, Miyamoto said that the jumping physics changed midway through development to make it feel more intuitive.
“The essence of what makes a 2D game 'fun' is entirely different [than a 3D game]," he said.
The human brain just isn’t as good at calculating vectors in multi-dimensional space on the fly.
That streamlining also extended to Mario’s additional abilities.
While previous Super Mario games introduced additional power-ups, like the raccoon suit and Yoshi, Super Mario 64 cut it down to just three special caps.
Counterbalancing this was the wide span of standard skills he had right off the bat, including wall-jumping and backflipping.
Each of these was added to give players even more opportunities to navigate the world.
At the same time, developers at Konami were working to bring their Metal Gear Solid franchise to the next generation.
Director Hideo Kojima knew that immersiveness was key, driving his team to make the Alaskan military base the game takes place in feel as much like a real building as possible.
He knew that the abstraction players accepted with 2D games would feel unnatural in a 3D space.
Many of the hurdles that these teams had to overcome have been pretty well figured out by now, but that doesn’t mean switching a game to 3D space is easy.
Crash Landing
The basic gameplay of Risk of Rain isn’t anything that hasn’t been seen before.
Deposited on an alien planet, players (alone or in co-op) must find a teleporter hidden in each level and activate it.
When they do, it triggers enemies to assault their position, and they need to hold out for a specific amount of time until it powers up and they can move on to the next level.
What made the game such a standout hit is the bone-hard gameplay and wide range of tactical options and power-ups available.
Hopoo created a delicate balance where the longer you spend in each level, the stronger the enemies get, counterbalanced by a self-replenishing health system that patches you up when you stay out of combat.
Players are constantly asked to walk the razor’s edge between safety and danger.
In classic randomized roguelike fashion, there are 100 unique items to be discovered in each playthrough.
They can typically be found at shrines, bought from shops, or dropped from dead monsters, and each has immediate effects on your play.
That means each run gives you a different suite of options to deploy.
Couple that with multiple character archetypes, and you have a simple game with an ocean of depth.
New Risks
When the team at Hopoo started conceptualizing a sequel to Risk of Rain, they weren’t planning on making such a major leap.
Their original concept was simply to let the player control the game’s bestiary of monsters.
After discarding that idea, they started experimenting with incremental improvements to the core experience.
One of those improvements involved having the player character’s equipment be visible on their on-screen avatar—a notoriously difficult task with 2D games where individual sprites need to be hand-drawn over multiple frames of animation for each bit of swag.
The original game had 100 distinct items, making that a huge ask.
They first tried a 2D approach using 3D-modeled characters, then pushed it into 2.5D and allowed a little sideways movement.
Finally, they bit the bullet and decided to see how the game felt in full 3D.
It felt great.
Having an extra plane of movement made the moment-to-moment combat a completely different experience, but it also brought with it some challenges.
In an interview with Gamasutra, the now three-person team talked about how making item pick-ups meaningful was a different task.
“Risk 2 being in 3D has given us a ton of new design space for item effects and uses,” they said, pointing out how certain pick-ups like the Royal Capacitor would only work in their 3D world.
Know Your Limits
One thing you might notice in Risk of Rain 2 is that Hopoo eschewed competitive multiplayer.
In the modern esports-dominated gaming market, this might come across as a commercial misstep.
After all, there’s no easier way to extend the lifespan of a game than by letting players face off against each other.
But with a three-person team and a dizzying array of items, modifiers, and character types, Hopoo knew that coming up with a way to balance out all of those possibilities would be impossible.
Looking games like Overwatch, which are adjusted constantly to address fan complaints, made it clear that the small studio would be consumed by upkeep.
Instead, they concentrated on their core competencies, iterated them into the third dimension, and came out with a game that seems poised to bring their flagship product to a new generation.
Risk of Rain 2 is a slick, intelligent way to move the franchise forward and we can’t wait to see how it grows after its Aug.
11 release.