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The buy now function was created for people who want to buy any product but before buying it for the retail price want to try to buy it for very little money at any auction of these products.
This option allows you to buy auctioned products by discounting from the final product price the value of the bids that you have placed in the same product auction.
This makes possible that you can participate in the auctions without any risk, you will always recover your invested money in the auction.
This feature is available in all Daxdi online auctions.
You can go to our online shop to buy any product, and on the details page of each product you will see all the auctions currently active for that same product, if there are any at that time.
Remember that on Daxdi you only can see the auctions until the next 12 hours.
There is no minimum or maximum number of bids you have to place, you can place 1 bid or 5,000, the 60% of the value of your bids will be discounted from the final price of the product you want to buy.
It is important to know that only bids placed on the same product that you are buying are valid, this means that if you place 2,000 bids on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 auction those 2,000 bids placed will be deducted from the purchase price of a Samsung Galaxy Note 10, if for any reason you change your mind after placing your bids and now you prefer to buy an iPhone X the bids placed on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 will not be discounted from the final price of the iPhone X.
To make use of this function just go to the details page of any auction, there you will see the buy now button, click on the button and you will be redirected to the product purchase page with the discount applied from the bids placed in the auction.
On the checkout page, you will only have to confirm the product purchase and pay the remaining amount.
Each placed bid have a value of 0,05€ , it means that if you place in any auction 2.000 bids, will be deducted from the product retail price the amount of 100,00€.
It is important to know that the auction Daxdi coins consumption are the Daxdi coins that are used for every bid placed, i.e. if you are bidding in any auction with a consumption of 5 (5 Daxdi coins consumed for every bid placed), if you place 1 bid it will count as 5 Daxdi coins, so in this example with 1 bid placed in the auction with a consumption of 5, the amount that will be deducted from the retail price of the product will be 0,25€.
If you are bidding on a product you can make use of the buy now option on that same product.
You can use the function on any product but remember that the valid bids for the discount in the product purchase are those placed on the same auctioned product that you are going to buy.
All Daxdi points earned by placing bids in the auction will remain in your account after you use the buy now function.
As you can see the value refunded for each bid is not the 100% of the bid value, it is the 60%. The remaining 40% is used to keep your Daxdi points and the auction of the product.
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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Daxdi a new online auctions world, the biggest auctions house on the world, many different types of auctions, new auctions each 5 minutes, and more than 3 million users registered until 2024
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