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Aukcie: Nintendo Switch 6.2"

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Aktuálna cena

9,00€ 10,00€


Používateľ Livia49art. vyhráva aukciu.
Najnovšie cenové ponuky
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Hodnota mincí Daxdi




Používateľ Livia49art. vyhráva aukciu.
Asistent daxdi

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    Verejná dražba

  • Hodnota cenovej ponuky

    3 Daxdi mince

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Štatistika za posledných 15 dní

  • Priemerný počet účastníkov

    0 Používateľov

  • Priemerné množstvo ponúk zo strany výhercov

    0 Daxdi mince

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    0 Krát

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Poslední víťazi

Za posledných 30 dní nie je dokončených aukcií tohto produktu viac


Produkt bude dodaný najneskôr do 24 hodín po tom, čo ste vyhrali a zaplatili za aukciu.

Dražený produkt je k dispozícii na výmenu za jeho peňažnú hodnotu

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Kúpiť produkt

Tento produkt si môžete kúpiť kedykoľvek, ak ste v tejto aukcii umiestnili cenové ponuky, hodnota cenových ponúk bude odpočítaná od konečnej ceny produktu.

Nintendo Switch 6.2"

Console - Nintendo Switch, 6.2 ", Joy-Con, Gray
Enjoy the games in the format of the Nintendo Switch console in gray, designed for home with the difference of being also portable to take your games everywhere.

Innovation in the design format and its great flexibility will hallucinate you.
New sensations
The Joy-Con feature an HD vibration system that will increase your virtual experience with every game on the Nintendo Switch console.

You can play anywhere without restrictions, even incorporates a support in the same console to fix it and use it as a single screen.
Compete with your friends
In portable mode, it plays with Joy-Con controls; They are easy to install, you can quickly put them on and off.

In addition, each Joy-Con can work without being attached to the console, independently, so you can challenge your friends in the same game using the 6.2 screen as a television and each with a Joy-Con.
Adapted to each game
The particularity of this console is that it can be hybrid.

To play at home you just have to enter the console in the base and connect it to your TV; In this way you will get the home game mode with a full HD playback (as long as your television allows this technology).

And to make it portable, you just have to remove it from the base and enjoy the experience on a 6.2-inch HD screen.


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