Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

Tassimo Happy

Kúpte si Tassimo Happy s Bitcoin, Ethereum Alebo Litecoin

Cena: 61,83€

Cena pre členov klubu Daxdi: 43,28€

Skladom: áno (259 jednotky)

Kúpte si Tassimo Happy s Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00062471 BTC

Kúpte si Tassimo Happy s Ethereum Ethereum: 0.01788 ETH

Kúpte si Tassimo Happy s Litecoin Litecoin: 10.413 LTC

*Špeciálna cena pre členov Daxdi klubu, ak ešte nie ste členom klubu, môžete sa pridať tu

Kúpte si Tassimo Happy s kryptomenami za najlepšiu cenu

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Popis produktu

Tassimo Happy

Coffee maker - Tassimo TAS1001 HAPPY, Red
Stand-by mode helps you save energy
After brewing, the machine automatically goes to stand-by mode.

This helps you reduce the electricity consumption of your TASSSIMO without any additional effort and save on your household budget.

Good for you.

Good for the environment.
Easy water filling
The practical water tank is easily removed.

You can fill it directly from the tap.

The tank has a capacity of up to 0.7 liters of water.
Your favorite drink with the press of a button
Preparing delicious hot drinks can be very simple! Your TASSIMO simplifies the preparation of numerous delicious hot drinks, because it requires very little effort.

Simply insert a T DISC and start fully automatic processing with the practical operation of a single button.

That easy! To share the specialties of TASSIMO with yours and enjoy life.
Forget the long warm-up times
Thanks to the innovative continuous flow heater, TASSIMO does not take long to warm up and you can prepare your first hot drink immediately.

It is also not necessary to reheat water between drinks.

Prepare delicious hot drinks for you, your family and your friends in an instant.
Simple cleaning and descaling
By purchasing your TASSIMO we also deliver the maintenance T DISC.

The maintenance T DISC includes the appropriate barcode that is required to clean the preparation system and run the automatic descaling program.

It informs you when it is necessary to descale your machine.
Perfectly prepared just for you with INTELLIBREW
Thanks to the patented INTELLIBREW barcode technology, TASSIMO beverage specialties are always prepared perfectly with the right amount of water, at the right temperature and during the precise processing time.


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