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Auction: Cecotec 1508 Power Matic-ccino 8000

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The user Dayana16Uni is winning the auction.
Participants with a seat in this auction
1. Gitte99Sør
2. Olimpiancalin
3. Bumovmaso
4. Monalisagri
5. zeynep58
6. garetthagenes
7. Dayana16Uni
8. Inge15Villa

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    4 Daxdi coins

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Cecotec 1508 Power Matic-ccino 8000

Super-automatic coffee maker - Cecotec 1508 Power Matic-ccino 8000, 19 bars, Milk tank
Super-automatic coffee machine with Plug & Play system that allows you to prepare all types of coffees automatically with the press of a button.

It adapts to all tastes thanks to the Custom4You system with fully customizable settings for intensity and aroma, temperature, volume, foaming time of milk and water hardness.

Memorize your parameters to prepare coffee always in the easiest and most comfortable way.
Touch control panel
Its control is highly intuitive and very easy to use.

It includes a 400 ml capacity FullLatte milk tank as an accessory that connects to the coffee maker and can also be stored in the fridge.

Make a cappuccino with all its aroma by pressing a single button.

AllCapuccino system that prepares lattes and cappuccinos by automatically adding both coffee and milk or foam in the exact amount directly to the cup.
The highest quality coffee at the best price
You do not need capsules thanks to its 250g deposit for coffee beans with a lid that better preserves the aroma and integrated ceramic grinder with 5 selectable grinding levels.

It allows you to use ground coffee thanks to an extra independent single dose tank.

Output for coffee adjustable in height from 10.5 cm to 15 cm to adapt to both espresso cups and large glasses or breakfast cups.
ForceAroma technology with 19 bar pump
Get the best cream and maximum aroma.

Perfect results preparing American coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte, hot milk or water for infusions in just a few seconds.

1400 W of power and Thermoblock heating system, which facilitates faster and more homogeneous water heating.

Removable drip tray for easy cleaning and filling indicator flotation system.
AlwaysClean system
With individualized circuit cleaning to always keep each of the parts of the coffee maker ready, allowing to select the water hardness.

Removable water tank with 1.7 liters capacity.

Auto-off: automatic disconnection with programmable time from half an hour to 24 hours.


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