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Auction: DIOR Lip sugar Scrub

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Current price

$16.00 $17.00


The user thapelokhosa is winning the auction.
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Daxdi coins value




The user thapelokhosa is winning the auction.
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  • Auction type

    Public auction

  • Bid value

    2 Daxdi coins

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    0 users

  • Average amount of bids done by the winners

    0 Daxdi coins

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    0 times

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DIOR Lip sugar Scrub

DIOR LIP SUGAR SCRUB Gentle exfoliating lip balm with a sugar base Every make-up artist knows that well-cared for and moisturised lips allow for optimal colour expression.

New to Backstage Pros, Lip Sugar Scrub, an exfoliating and nourishing stick, contains melting grains of sugar for incredibly soft and naturally glossy, metamorphosed lips.


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