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Auction: eReader - Kobo Clara HD

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1. UbutlerJohn
2. mattiasfanney
3. zawadzkiwiktor
4. Fivancenkou
5. PhallWatson
6. shaniebruen
7. ghaliyati47
8. najmankarolina

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eReader - Kobo Clara HD

eReader - Kobo Clara HD, 6 ", 8 GB, For eBook, 300ppp, ComfortLight PRO, Black
The eBooK Kobo clara HD arrives for the reading lover.

If you are one of those who cannot get off the books, the Kobo e-book is the most ergonomic, compact and lightweight support to take your reading anywhere.
Read nonstop for hours
Read nonstop at any time of day.

The Kooo clear HD eBooK features a 6-inch touch screen with electronic ink and no glare.

Say goodbye to eyestrain and read for hours without rest.

It also integrates ComfortLight Pro technology which allows you to adjust the brightness of the screen so you can read in the dark or in very low light.
The space you need
Do not suffer for space.

The Kobo Clara HD has a capacity of 8 GB so you can store up to 6000 books.

In addition, it has a 1500 mAh battery so you can read for weeks without charging.

You will not suffer again if the eBooK leaves you hanging in the middle of your favorite reading.
Play the formats you want
The electronic book is very versatile and allows you to reproduce a large number of formats: EPUB, EPUB3, PDF, MOBI, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, TXT, HTML and RTF, CBZ, CBR.

In addition, it is compact so you can take it anywhere.


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