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Auction: Philips Lumea Advanced

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Philips Lumea Advanced

IPL Epilator - Philips Lumea Advanced BRI920 / 00 Skin tone sensor For the whole body
Tired of shaving again and again? With the Philips Lumea Advanced BRI920 / 00 IPL epilator of pulsed light you will gradually say goodbye to your hair.
Say goodbye definitely to the hair!
Pulsed light technology in your home.

IPL pulsed light technology applies light on the root of the hair so that the follicle enters a resting phase so that the hair gradually decreases (in only 3 treatments the results can already be seen).

And all that without any damage, since this epilator has been developed together with dermatologists to take care of your skin and so you can use it even in more sensitive areas.
Yes, fit for your skin
It works on a wide variety of hair and skin types: from dark brown and brown to black hair and from a very white to dark brown skin tone.

To ensure your safety, it has an integrated skin tone sensor that measures the complexion of the skin and if it is not suitable, it stops.
Do not waste your time
The IPL epilator Philips Lumea Advanced BRI920 / 00 has the large application area to treat more follicles in a single pass and you do not have to spend much time to shave.
And take a pencil cutter!
With this epilator you will also take a perfect compact trimmer to remove the finest hair, such as the face.
* Not recommended for white, gray, light blond or red hair or for very dark skin.


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