Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue

Koop jou Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 2,254.68

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 1,578.28

Voorraad: Ja (123 Eenhede)

Koop 'n Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00122419 BTC

Koop 'n Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue Met Ethereum Ethereum: 0.03560 ETH

Koop 'n Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue met Litecoin Litecoin: 21.419 LTC

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue Met cryptocurrencies teen die beste prys

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Produk beskrywing

Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue

eBook - Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight Blue, Backlit Display, 6", Micro SD, Blue
6" Ebook with Scriba 195 BACKLIGHTED display.

Super lightweight digital book reader with 6" (1024x758) backlit display.

The Woxter Scriba 195 Paperlight display does not strain the eyes or cause glare, even under direct sunlight.

It also allows you to read in the way that you think is most comfortable thanks to its multiple font sizes and the high contrast of its 16 grey levels.
It is also very intuitive
You can scroll through the menu, view images very easily and without complications.

With its new backlit display, you can enjoy your favorite books even in low light conditions, it's ideal for use in bed before sleeping.enjoy the more than 2000 books you can store in the 4GB of internal memory of your e-book. 
Supports multiple file formats
pdf, .epub, .txt, .html, .doc, .rtf, .fb2, .tar, .tcr, etc...And it is also compatible with DRM, the anti-copy system chosen by European publishers.

The lightest e-book, weighing only 170 grams.
Your library in your pocket
You can have more than 4,000 books in its internal memory; it also has a micro-sd card where you can store books compatible with the following formats: epub, pdf, fb2, htm, doc, txt and others.


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