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Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020

Koop jou Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020 Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 1,357,069.70

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 949,948.79

Voorraad: Ja (3 Eenhede)

Koop 'n Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020 met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.75417818 BTC

Koop 'n Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020 Met Ethereum Ethereum: 21.92881 ETH

Koop 'n Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020 met Litecoin Litecoin: 13195.361 LTC

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Produk beskrywing

Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020

Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020, R&D Version The Hanson Robotics Sophia 2020, R&D Version comes with everything needed for scientific R&D and business applications.

Her head and torso are human-sized and include refined aesthetics, like hair and skin.

The human-like torso and gestural arms and hands have at least 28 degrees of freedom, including individually articulated finger actions, arms & shoulders.

The Robot weighs approximately 21 kg (head, torso, arms).

As a research platform or a service robot, Sophia 2020 has the unique ability to connect and communicate with humans in an unforgettable way, showcasing unparalleled robotics art and design, AI science, and engineering.

This Sophia 2020 basic model includes the head, torso, arms & hands, as well as the software, travel cases, and the non-motorized wheeled tripod base.

Sophia is capable of simulating all the major muscles of a human face.

The Robot will include realistic facial expressions, eyebrow motions, blinking, aesthetically realistic moving eyes, mouth and jaw motion, head turn and neck motions, arm, hands and fingers.

The independently articulated eyelids, jaw, and expressive tongue motion, forehead actions, and multiple points of articulation on the lips, cheeks, and neck enables the Robot to exhibit a wide range of natural interaction constructs like smiling, frowning, scowling, sneering, happiness, anger, fear, surprise, disgust, sadness, confusion, boredom, questioning, neutral, and any kind of openly engaged expression.

This Sophia 2020 R&D version is now available for research, academic and B2B applications.

Sophia 2020 combines the award-winning Hanson patented robotics hardware and software with unmatched robotics design and artistry.


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