Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

HP Sprocket 200

Koop jou HP Sprocket 200 Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 3,053.90

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 2,137.73

Voorraad: Ja (160 Eenhede)

Koop 'n HP Sprocket 200 met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00165122 BTC

Koop 'n HP Sprocket 200 Met Ethereum Ethereum: 0.04756 ETH

Koop 'n HP Sprocket 200 met Litecoin Litecoin: 28.960 LTC

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou HP Sprocket 200 Met cryptocurrencies teen die beste prys

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Produk beskrywing

HP Sprocket 200

Photo printer - HP Sprocket 200, Mobile, Bluetooth 5.0, Color, 313x400 dpi, Pearl
Imagine being able to print your photographs wherever and whenever you want.

No cables, no waiting and no computer.

It is not a joke.

With the HP Sprocket 200 Pearl photo printer you will be able to do it through your smartphone or your tablet.

And do not worry about the ink, do not use!
A pocket printer
Thanks to its dimensions, similar to those of a smartphone, you can take it wherever you go.

Keep it in your bag, in your pocket or backpack and forget that you carry it until you want to use it.

Enjoy the sensation of immortalizing your photographs on 5 x 7.6 cm (2x3 ") paper at a party, a car or anywhere else in a matter of seconds and with a fine and elegant design.
Photos without ink
The HP Sprocket 200 photo printer does not need ink.

With the inclusion of HP ZINK ™ technology you will not need any more replacement cartridges as it uses heat to create images on paper.

Forget about annoying contingencies and half-impressions!
Print from your mobile
With Bluetooth 5.0 technology, printing your photographs will be sewing and singing.

You just have to download the HP Sprocket application on your device, customize the photo, link it to the portable printer and, in the blink of an eye, you and your friends will be printing your funniest photos from your mobile, tablet or from social networks.


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