Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

SanDisk Extreme 128GB

Koop jou SanDisk Extreme 128GB Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 1,947.20

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 1,363.04

Voorraad: Ja (242 Eenhede)

Koop 'n SanDisk Extreme 128GB met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00105724 BTC

Koop 'n SanDisk Extreme 128GB Met Ethereum Ethereum: 0.03074 ETH

Koop 'n SanDisk Extreme 128GB met Litecoin Litecoin: 18.498 LTC

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou SanDisk Extreme 128GB Met cryptocurrencies teen die beste prys

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Produk beskrywing

SanDisk Extreme 128GB

MicroSDXC card - SanDisk Extreme 128GB + SD adapter, Class 10, 100 MBs
If what you are looking for is speed when transferring your photographs and digital information, what you need is the 128GB SanDisk Extreme 128GB SDXC memory card plus the SD adapter.

With a read speed of up to 100 MB per second.
No more waiting
The writing speed of 90 MB / s will cause you to not run out of patience in addition to getting a workflow to suit you.

Record and save in high definition all the digital content you work with.
Make all your photographs and recordings without losing detail
It is Class 10 and allows you to work without cuts, it also keeps the real color you are capturing.

You will see! you will gain speed and quality even in burst mode.
Adapted to the technology of the moment
Supports recording in 4K HD Ultra format.

Take your camera or Smartphone and let nothing limit you.

Get resolutions of 3840 x 2160p in all your videos and with exceptional clarity.
For all situations
SanDisk knows the importance of your recordings; For this reason it gives the card a coating to protect it from bumps and vibrations.

In addition to being resistant to water, X-rays and get to work in extreme temperatures.


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