Daxdi now accepts payments with Bitcoin

Sony GTK-PG10

Koop jou Sony GTK-PG10 Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 6,128.93

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 4,290.25

Voorraad: Ja (247 Eenhede)

Koop 'n Sony GTK-PG10 met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00332773 BTC

Koop 'n Sony GTK-PG10 Met Ethereum Ethereum: 0.09676 ETH

Koop 'n Sony GTK-PG10 met Litecoin Litecoin: 58.223 LTC

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

Koop jou Sony GTK-PG10 Met cryptocurrencies teen die beste prys

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Produk beskrywing

Sony GTK-PG10

Wireless speaker - Sony GTK-PG10, Bluetooth and FM, 13h autonomy, Black
The GTK-PG10, portable, wireless and with long battery life, is ideal for enjoying music at parties, picnics or camping.

You can also fold the top panel and carry it inside so that the sound, and not the speaker, fills the room.
Loud and clear
Both on the street and at home, the GTK-PG10 offers a wide, powerful and, at the same time, crisp sound.

The DSP (digital signal processing) automatically adapts to your audio settings to optimize performance depending on the environment.
Front sound
With the upper panels closed and the upper tweeters facing forward, the GTK-PG10 projects the sound with great volume and clarity.
Outdoor party mode
With the upper panels open, the integrated tweeters are oriented forward and upward to further propagate the sound at outdoor parties.


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