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PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20

Koop jou PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20 Met Bitcoin, Ethereum Of Litecoin

Prys: R 7,153.29

Prys vir Daxdi Klublede: R 5,007.30

Voorraad: Ja (198 Eenhede)

Koop 'n PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20 met Bitoin Bitcoin: 0.00388391 BTC

Koop 'n PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20 Met Ethereum Ethereum: 0.11293 ETH

Koop 'n PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20 met Litecoin Litecoin: 67.954 LTC

*Spesiale prys beskikbaar vir Daxdi klublede, as jy nog nie deel van die klub is nie, kan jy aansluit Hier

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Produk beskrywing

PS4 Slim 1 TB + NBA2K20

Console - PS4 Slim 1TB + NBA2K20
The PS4 with a more stylized redesigned appearance, enjoy a more stylized and compact PS4 with the same game power, transmit your PS4 games to another room in your home with this small, elegant and easy-to-use device.
Much more than a console
The PlayStation 4 developed by Sony is an intelligent and versatile device through which you will discover a world of entertainment that will break all your expectations.

Enjoy Blu-Ray movies, TV series, music and content constantly updated with the news of PlayStation Network.
Power and high definition
Playing will no longer be a fiction experience.

Feel part of the game thanks to the impressive sharpness of the high-definition graphics incorporated by the PlayStation 4.

Its powerful ultra-fast processors and a high performance unified memory were designed for you to enjoy a wide range of games with absolute fluidity.
More silent
Blogs specialized in the gaming world highlight that this review of the console incorporates a much quieter and less energy efficient ventilation system.

In addition, our customers comment that the small bugs present in previous editions were corrected in this reissue.


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